I've taken up the 10 day meme I've spotted at
amelia_seyroon's journal~ And probably someone else's but I cannot remember. /memory fail
...with this spiffin' new layout. Phew. Finally organized and I can get the userpic out of the way so I can center text and stuff. :3
1. As I post this, my head is full of glorious Gintama crack. After going through episode 31, I'
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1. the more I hear about it, the more I want in on the crack. LOL
2. Me too. Which is why my fiance is getting on me about doing stuff like walking every day. It just sucks when we get almost a foot of snow overnight. Meh. I don't wanna walk in this weather. Must find something I can do indoors that doesn't require a machine to work on.
3.this. So much <3 *glomplesyou* XD
4.that is awesome bb! /highfives
5. *blank look* uh, what's a seiyuu job *feels dumb* >_<;;
6. We need to figure out a way to sing together! hahaha yah, I know. We can find a program and layer our voices together so it sounds like we sang together, but they're two different tracks. Yah I'm not that good with computers, are you? Well, if not, we can dream can't we? ;3
7.I got weird looks and comments when I said "I'm an art student" I got looks like- wait, you're paying to become a starving artist? You're nuts! LOL I got told that all the time. <3 and now, it's soo true. *pouts* I need to make some moolah...like soon.
8. WOW. I can't skip a meal or my sugars start crashing and I feel like I'm gonna faint.
9. Mmmm. Meat. Mmmm veggies... mmm Dammit now I'm hungry. LOL <3
10.hehehe that's kinda cool actually. ^_^ (unless you don't like it, then it's bad) XD
I Might do this meme eventually. right now... dealing with stuff. <3
*runs off to do job hunting or other productive stuff* <3 <3 <3
Seiyuu as in, voice actor. Japanese voice actor.
Before we layer those tracks together, I need to find a much better mic! :'D
Well, in a sense people say art is just beautiful, but one of the craziest jobs because it's either you make it or you don't. But I'm sure if you try hard enough you can do it~ :3
I saw your post btw bb. D: *hugs* Don't worry about the other side of the family too much, just do what you can and if they aren't satisfied, screw them.
I didn't know that's what they call it. *tilts head* Sometimes I'm just clueless...
hehe! I need to as well. I have the cheapo one I had from my first computer, and the one now built into my laptop. I want one that's for pro's but...they're hundreds (if not more) of dollars... and I am broke...lol
Well, in a sense people say art is just beautiful, but one of the craziest jobs because it's either you make it or you don't. But I'm sure if you try hard enough you can do it~ :3
Yah, it's kind of a make it or break it kind of world...Art can be...but it can also be crap too. Don't get me started on some of the so called Modern art. LOL there was an exhibit that a museum paid a crap-ton for, and all it was, You walked into a dark room, and there's a light switch, with a bulb in the center of the room. they turn it on. That's all. I was like, RLY? Are you F@*king kidding me? *facepalms* that had me really ticked off.
Thanks bb. That means a lot to hear. I just gotta get motivated...and the crap that just keeps happening should be fuel for my creative artistic stuff, not putting me in a funk.
aww, thanks bb. I'm doing the best I can to stay civil, but yah- I've come close to telling them (and so has Aaron, and my dad, and my sis...and half my friends too) LOL
<3 <3 <3
No problem dear. Doing what you like is the way to go yo! Keeping yourself happy is better than making billions and you're always targeted thanks to that, right? :3
Yes please, stay civil. Shows that you're so much more civilized than those over there, right? ;D
thanks. I agree. Unfortunately I dunno if I can really make a living off it now...the economy here just sucks...I'm not looking to get rich, just be able to survive would be an improvement. I'm barely keeping my head afloat. That is probably true.
I am. Right now, I'm trying to remain calm when I email them...though thankfully I haven't received any calls recently, so that's a relief. I'm also trying to be the better person, and not stoop to their level of immaturity. Right!
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