Jun 30, 2004 03:10
It's obviously 3 am and I think I'm way to excited and organized! I've gotten pretty much everything I could possibly need. And then some...I've done probably the nicest thing ever for my family. I packed everyone a different bag full of things that I know they'll probably want and forget to bring. Also I packed extra food more than likely...(just trying to save money!)
I JUST REALIZED MY FAVORITE SONG BY STAIND "SO FAR AWAY" IS ON!!!! :smiles: I love my life! Everything is finally looking great for once and I'm going to live on this as much as I possibly can. Most people think life is unfair and I think it's great. I hope I will always have that outlook on life.
Last night I went on a date with this guy named Lindsey, (despite the name he's H-A-W-T!!!) he and his friend took really good care of me.....(C.A.W.<---can ya figure that out?)
Well I feel the need to keep on doing things around here and I know I'm going to want something more to read than what I already have so I must part....
Best Wishes to you all...I'm gone for about a week, unless someone there has a computer!
Merry Part and Blessed Be!