Jan 12, 2005 19:28
Today at school was pretty boring. I skipped automotive and went to lunch and according to Teri im a "badboy" but she is a "badgirl" because she skipped class too. well after that i decided i didnt want to go to math or computer repair becasue im already failing those classes so me and Roo left school with Teri. That was funn (me and Roo saw a towelhead leaving school).it was funny =]. Than i got home and watched some tv than went and took a nap ( i have been doing that alot lately). Than my mom home and when i woke up she told me that she got my cellphone bill and that i have to pay her 90.00 for the bill. it turns out even though i have 600 text messages thar are free i still went over by almost 800 thats alot =] thats 40.00just for the extra text messages =] hehe. So yea i also bought my snowball ticket today i still dont have a date but whatever there will be enough ppl ther too dance with.. I dont wanna take midterms next week they are soo gay and pointless and if i fail my math i lose credit for the first semester same with computer repair and science lucky me!!! well thats my life and it sucks!!!