Okay so..
Basically I just spent an hour brushing my teeth.
And I don't mean brushing them like a wuss, I mean BRUSHING them.
Like "Put your back into it!!"
I blame it on the fabulous toothpaste.
It doesn't taste like maybe someone found it under a toilet seat.
It tastes.. Like a little miniature heaven-bit.
Anyway, I finally got my bite-block removal appointment.
I've been begging my ma to get me this appointment for.. oh.. a month or two.
So finally I took matters into my own hand. Dun dun dunnnn..(!!!)
So at 10:45 on Wednesday I get to have myself a merry little ortho appointment. And that, my friends, makes me happy.
Something that DOESN'T make me happy, however, is that my television went and turned ghetto on me.
Some genius over here pushed some happy little reset button. But I swear it was a self-distruct button in disguise.
My TV started making strange clicking and humming noises and the picture went out and I was seriously doubting I would make it out of there. Until I turned the TV off.
After that it shut up.
Okay so last night I was asked to "drink" by two weird mexican guys and their gangsta friend.
It was rather exciting.
haha, i am so incredibly sheltered.
but my sister just looked at them like she wanted to puke and was like,
It was so priceless.
I mean, maybe you had to have been there, but the facial expressions were like a mini-soap opera.
I was telling someone earlier about my uncle and his bear hunting skizzills.
I just can't remember who. Anyway, they asked for proof so...
Here it is. Oh yeah. that's right. It's the Diggster.
Like I said. We don't mess around.
Or.. did I not say that yet?
Well, it's what I meant to say, anyway.
I think today I will take a happy, fun little jaunt on over to the library.
Pick me up a couple of good reads, eh?
I will edit this later and show you all my homie-G braids.
But for now I must put my face on. Or you'll be in for a big shock.
I don't look so happy there.
G'ed up. Jigga what?!
Okay bye.