Argh.. I feel kindof helpless right now.
I definitely don't want to move. I love my house, my neighborhood, my neighbors. Gah, everything is so good here. This house we are moving to is entirely ridiculous. I'm this over-priveledged kid coming from a monster house with numerous bedrooms, bathrooms, square-footage, etc. Going TO a cigar box of a house with two bedrooms and one bathroom. For four people to share? Freaking crazy. My mom says, "The house wont always be that small, we are adding on a couple thousand square feet, blah blah." Yeah, great mom! So basically by the time I head out into the world and start my life, you'll start living like a modern human instead of some hickarse bumpkin who shares a bathroom with two ridiculously smelly guys. And to top that all off, we'd be in the process of moving when school starts! FANFREAKINGTASTIC! Even MORE stress to add on to my life. The property there is nice. By a.. river/creek. Essentially, it could have major potential. However, in no way, shape, or form is that potential being exercised to it's full ability. Or even 1/1000 of it's ability. For God's sake, it's a glorified double wide. (That rhymed)
Lordy, lordy, lordy. Can't live with em, can't live without em. Fortunately for me, I've got one hell of a lover, but unfortunately for Aly, she got stuck with a priiiick! Seriously, guys like him make me want to go nun. Bob, (aka spanishplaya for all of you who want to see how incredibly shallow/dumb/whiny he is) is (in the PG version) a stupid, bumbling, retarded, short, hit-with-the-ugly-branch, jerk. I seriously have no clue what anyone sees in him. Besides his overly large arm muscles (which don't even match the rest of his pitiful body.) And I bet you can ALL guess where he got those big arm muscles from. Good old one on one time with his best friends, Madame Palm and her five lovely daughters. Because there is no way on earth he could actually ever keep a girl's interest long enough to bone her. I mean really, his idea of a "long, meaningful relationship" is 15 minutes in a darkened closet with his current love interest. And when I say love, I mean it. I swear that boy falls in love every 10 minutes. Every time I turn around, he is falling. Hopefully one day he will fall from a very high building and rupture his spleen and end up a paraplegic in some rest home in Ocala, Florida. (muahahaha)
Unfortunately, people grow apart. Some people just aren't "meant" to be friends. I can't say that I've not had a good time, because I have. You were fun to talk to for a while, and.. interesting, to say the least. Unfortunately you got a life and now all you ever do is talk about the one person you actually share that with. Bernice. Holy God has SHE been the cause of a few relationship break-ups. I don't care what lipstick she wears, or even what kind of shoes she most recently had on. Truthfully, i couldn't care less about her, period. And frankly, I'd rather not talk to someone who's every third sentence was "OMG I LOVE *insert random guy you just met here*" It's not that I care about you wanting to bone Garrett. In fact, I think that's rather adorable. It's the fact that you sit online for HOURS waiting for him to come online and talking to him, and then in the middle of a conversation, sign off because "garrett is going to hang out with deedee" and you have no reason to stay online anymore. Well, eff you too! It's not like I stayed my sorry butt up to talk to YOU or anything. *grumbles* ... *slams door*
Okay, I lost all of my steam there. I don't feel like being angry any more. It makes me gassy.
However, I must say I cleaned my house quite wonderfully.
Very proud of myself.
Now, onto my day.
EARLY this morning, (8:00 am) I was awakened by my step-dad wanting me to help him lift a desk.
Reluctantly, I got up and went to help.
I tried to lift this desk.. but instead just sat there and said "you've got to be kidding me"
I swear the desk weighs about 2914234234030.392 pounds.
And me, being the horribly weak person I am, wasn't much help.
Then, I went back to sleep because frigg, it was early!
THEN! At 10 am, Paul wakes me up again.
(I was kindof mad, i was having a good dream about ryan. odd)
He wants me to move this big leather chair thing.
That one was easier, but my fingers were sweaty or something and i dropped the chair onto my lovely foot numerous times.
So, I layed around the house, then cleaned the living room, then layed around some more.
I was feeling like crap.
And then Ryan calls me!
He's so wonderful. Just randomly calls me out of the blue.
Uses daytime minutes and EVERYTHING! *swoon*
SO that made me a little bit more happy.
After I got off the phone with ryan, paul started to get snippy, so I went upstairs.
I read a little harry potter while riding the trusty old... stationary bike, and then took a shower.
ANd then I went to my moms work to give her some receipt.
She wouldn't give me any nerds, so i left because that pissed me off.
And i went to do the strength training!
Holy cow, did i ever miss THAT! I felt so refreshed after.
well, i kindof felt like passing out cause i hadn't had any water the whole time.
but i got in my car and found some old water bottle lying in the back seat and took a charming swig from it.
THEN I felt refreshed.
basically, i got home and my mom was having another panic attack. she was afraid the house would be shitty and blah blah.. screw that.
so i went upstairs and watched the news. nothing special.
I made dinner for my family. Spaghetti Mizithra (like a greek pasta dish)
Yeah, it was delicious.
But then, everything i make is fantastical. o_0
After THAT, i went upstairs again and watched a disney channel movie.
It was totally weird. but ohmygoodheavens was the nerdy boy hot or WHAT?!
Yeah, he was a babe. (Raych, that one was for you, watch pixel perfect and you'll see what i mean.)
I felt a little like breaking down and crying after seeing my beautiful house all done up..
however, i haven't cried in a while (it's a sign of weakness) so i held it in and cleaned some more.
and here i am.
god, what a horrendously boring day.
Anyway, tomorrow i figure i'll do the bike thing, then the strength training thing..
and tan like a mofo!
You best believe kim is going to get hot.
Well, one of these days, hopefully.
Anyway, here's something that made me far too incredibly happy.
Ryan. With his british-rocker mean face on. Perfection.
He's hot, we know this.
I'm lucky, we should know this as well.
Madonna? Probably.
Oh, and welcome to the magical world of my eleven chins. Dun dun DUnnNN!
good night.
i love you all.