(no subject)

Jun 11, 2005 09:37

10 CoMmAnDmEnTs oF A TeEn:

*1. Thou shall not sneak out when parents are sleeping. (Why wait?)
*2. Thou shall not do drugs (Alcohol lasts longer)
3. Thou shall not steal from K-Mart (Wal-Mart has a bigger selection)
4. Thou shall not get arrested for vandalism (Destruction has a bigger effect)
*5. Thou shall not steal from thy parents (Everyone knows that grandma has more money)
6. Thou shall not get in fights (Just start them)
*7. Thou shall not skip class (Just take the whole day off)
*8. Thou shall not strip in class (Hooters pays more)
*9. Thou shall not think about having sex (As Nike says: Just Do It)
10. Thou shall help old ladies cross the street (Just leave them in the middle)

Three Things

Created by andy and taken 16786 times on bzoink!
Three things that scare me:1SpIdErS2DeAtH3BeIng aLoNeThree people who make me laugh:1NiChOlE2AmBeR3ChAdThree Things I love:1GuYS2HoT gUyS3..DiD i MeNtIoN HOTT GUYSThree Things I hate:1PoSeRs2PeOpLe whO cant drive3GeTtIng dIrTyThree things I don't understand:1LiFe2GuYs3GiRlsThree things on my desk:1PaPeR2PeNs3PrInTerThree things I'm doing right now:1TyPiNg2TaLkIng3wAtcHinG TvThree things I want to do before I die:1TrAvEl tHe WoRlD2Be rIcH3GeT a GoOd jObThree things I can do:1TaLk2SwIm3DrIvEThree ways to describe my personality:1OuTgOInG2HyPeR3FuNnYThree things I can't do:1A fLiP2CaNt tOlerate ChiLdeRn3CaNt ReAd mInDs
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