May 31, 2005 15:40
HoLy shit there is way tO much drama fOr just One day. sO as mOst Of yOu kNow i brOke up with tOm so ppl have been saying a whOle bunch Of shit that isnt true..i mean seriOusly i Only went Out with him fOr like 3 days.. And than we have the peOple that are mad at me because i guess i brOke his heart..and i guess he was crying and all sad and shit. I mean comeon like i said we only went out for fucking 3 days..i mean are you really that much of a child that your just going to go into the corner and pout..seriously..and nOw peOple that read this are gOing tO think im mean but whatever he shOuld be able tO handle sOmething like this.. Yea and than there is mandas party.. yea i knOw a lOt Of stuff happened there but half the stuff that ppl are saying isnt even true. And i think that peOple that werent there shOuld just keep theyre fucking mOuths shut. And mandas mOm wOrks On the scHool bOard and fOund Out what exactly peOple are saying..sO pretty much everyOne that was there is nOw screwed..sO thats my day..Gotta lOve it♥.cOmMeNt