Jul 31, 2005 14:33
well, I've been pretty busy.
I'm not on HALF as much as I used to.
oh well.
OH AND I got my cell phone taken away, so like if you call it just goes straight to my voicemail.
YOU CAN LEAVE MESSAGES :] I freakign love getting message, because I can check them from my house phone.
so yah. call 9868789 & leave a message :] tehe.
yah well, I can NOT believe summer is almost over.
like im kind of excited for school, espiecially because its a new school and everything, but I don't want summer to end :[.
I've met lots of people and just enjoyed it so much...espiecially one person :] !!!
well I mean everything is going pretty good, just a couple tweaks here and there, but I'm hoping :/ it will work, SO MUCH YOU DON'T KNOW.
but for now I'm perfect.
:] well going to orientation tonight, OMG MY CLASSES U$!*!)#*!#U)$@U*!#)U!@*
I better have some with people I know, or ima hafta bustahoe.
K WELL I'm goign to go now.
comment pleaseeeeeeeeeee.
OH & mike got a journal :] add him if you know him or something he neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds friends, cause hes a dorko, haha his page is www.livejournal.com/users/nevertrustabear
k well bye loves ♥