yay finally i get to post some icons i made a few weeks ago *sight* this morning my mom scolded me of not cleaning my room *to busy watching Gukosen3 last episode* so i had to pause on the last 10 minutes of the episode just so i could clean my room _ _" ~ anyway i just saw yesterday H!S!JUMP's new PV and i agree it was awsome yama-chan is such a hottie and Takaki too <33 , anyway into to the icons i now ur all bored with my blabling bout' my day hehe omatisin^^ *i think they say it like that ^^"* Teaser || :3
1.Comments are Loved, more comments more icons<3. 2.Cridets arn't nesecery. 3.Dont' claim/steal it. 4.Enjoy them ^^ .