Mar 09, 2005 23:36
well i absoutley love this song. so i wanted to put it here.
yeah. my bad side..haha
I was always the crazy one
I broke into the stadium
And I wrote your number on the 50 yard line
You were always the perfect one
And the valadictorian so
Under your number I wrote "call for a good time"
I only wanted to catch your attention
But you overlooked me somehow
Besides you had too many girlfriends to mention
And I played my guitar too loud.
How do you like me now?
How do you like me now,
Now that I'm on my way?
Do you still think I'm crazy
Standin here today?
I couldnt make you love me
But I always dreamed about living in your radio
How do you like me now?
When I took off to Tennessee
I heard that you made fun of me
Never imagined I'd make it this far
Then you married into money boy
Aint it a cruel and funny world?
She took your dreams and tore them apart.
Shes never at home
And youre always alone..
And your kids hear you cryin down the hall
Alarm clock starts ringin
Who could that be singin
Its me baby, with your wake up call!
How do you like me now?
How do you like me now,
Now that I'm on my way?
Do you still think I'm crazy
Standin here today?
I couldnt make you love me
But I always dreamed about living in your radio
How do you like me now?
Tell me baby...
I will preach on...
so yeah. best song ever.
well quick thingy.
yeah decided to do it. hold up.
.name: Amanda
.birthday: 07-9-90
.age: 14..
.school you go to: Mauldin High School
.job: none cept summer jobs..
.best friend: ah, i love all me girls! callie, ashton, lisa, becca newton, hope, amber, becca weekes, cristen, rachel, christine, and many more.
.bf/gf?: urhm. i like some one...maybe?
.Hair color: strawberry blonde..
.Hair style: straight/wavy when i dry it. piece of shit.
.When was the last time you washed it?: tonight. like an hour ago.
.Clothes: black comfy pants and a bob marley t-shirt. representin!
.Undies: pink, blue, and white
.Make up: none, just got out of the shower dumb arse...
.Song: how do you like me now? - toby keith
.Thinking about: how im putting off my paper..shit. and something else but thats k. ill keep that to myself. and how ashton is gay and messed up a freinds realtionship. good job. haha
.Mom's name: Wanda
.Dad's name: Barry but hes dead.
.Siblings?: 1 bro.. william - 7
.Do you get along with your siblings: yeah mostly. sometimes..
.If you're an only child, do you like it?: i WAS til the span of satan came into the world. hahaha j/p i use to like it. but siblings have their perks.
.do you like going to your grandparents house? god yes. i live at grandmas. shes the meal cooker durh.
.name of the person you like/are going out with: urhm. ill keep his name to myslef and close friends.
.why do you like him/her? idk. because hes cool. we have a lot in common. um duh.
.is there anything about them that you don't like? yeah..
.do you think you love this person?: umm no. were not even dating. and you ask me if we love each other? friggin A dude..
.what do you think about love?: i think you can fall in love pretty much at any age (except the obivous youngsters) and that love is different in our terms and that its a beautiful thing and once you find that person. never let them go. theres some one out there for everyone. mucho amor.
.what do you think about soul mates?: there out just have to look hard enough..
.what do you think about sex before marriage?: eh, i dont see why you would want to have sex with some one for the fun of it if you dont love them. i would want to know some one really well and love them before i was so intament (spelling? im stupid shut the hell up haha) with them..i mean yeah i guess its okay for some people but i wanna love the person.
.do you meet most of your friends at school?: yeahup.
.Which of your friends gets on your nerves the most? well i gotta say ashton b/c shes also family *best friend && cousin* so were always together and we get in fights more than me and any of my other friends but i love her to death so it really doesnt matter. haha
.Why? well i just explained it...take a minute to go back up and is blue, grass is green dipshit.
.List all your friends: hahahaha. ur kidding me. would take a flippin long time so hellz no.
.How many is that?: bunches
.Do you hang out with them on a regular basis?: well yeah pretty much unless im sick or their dead. haha nice terms huh?
.place the above people in the following catagories: yeah thats a no. too many friends im telling you.
....Best friends: you know who you are.
....Friends: you know who you are.
....Close Casuals: i guess you know who you are. if not. kiss my glass k?
.do you think you're popular?: no && I really dont care about that. in middle school i did but now i really dont. who cares? as long as you have great friends popular is shit. haha
.Does it matter to you whether you're popular or not?: read above dumbass
.What was said to you this week that you can't stop thinking about?: idk.. alot of things and i mean a lot.
.Who said it?: a few people here and there. like 3 things stick out i guess
.Why did they say it?: b/c i needed to know. one lied. one was telling the truth b/c they love me and one was being funny.
.Why does this stick out above everything else said to you this week?: it just does. i mean yeah...
.What was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?: they told me i was the greatest best friend ever and the other thing was that i was insanely beautiful and there was no one like me. haha
.What was the nicest thing you've ever told someone? i love you. and other compliments durh.
.Has anyone ever confessed that they LIKE you? yeah...not many. im a loser and not loved...hahaha
.Have you ever confessed that you like someone else? yeah - all the best friends ALWAYS know.
.do you have trouble expressing your emotions or saying the hard stuff? yes.. thats aslo my weakness...its hard sometimes..
.What time do you wake up in the morning? 6:30 ish
.What time does work/school start for you?: 8:30
.What do you usually do after school/work?: go home
.What do you do in your spare time?: talk to my friends online/phone watch tv sleep and eat
.Why do you like it?: because yeah
.Do you procrastinate or do you get your work in on time? procrastinate. sometimes i get it in on time! sometimes...
.Is the way you look important to you?: yeah i dont want people to think im trash...i try to look nice.
.What do you have issues with (list all)?: research papers, school sometimes, the people at it sometimes, guys sometimes, stuff that doesn work, yeah..imma stop now. haha
.What do you think of Abercrombie?: i think the guy models are *too hot* : )
.What is the one thing you'd like to accomplish in your life? oh wow. so many things. i want to make as many people happy as possible, i want to make some one never forget me, i wanna help children with aids, i want to be on national telvision, i want to go to a dancing school, i want to be a writer, i want to play guitar, i want to write music, i want to meet so many people..., gah so many more. imma stop b/c im tired haha
yeah so i got bored. time to work on the beast of a paper.
mucho amor.