
Aug 04, 2005 20:08

just got back from cheer camp...FRICK YES BEASTY PEOPLE!!!! it was so much fun i wanna go back.....lol... while alot has hapend since i last updated....i met a guy named dan who is super hott....i like him so much and i am like 99.9% sure that he like mee...hehe omg i cant wait to see him tmr and go to dinner with him....ha yes..!! while i went to ( Read more... )

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krissay839084 August 5 2005, 00:25:01 UTC
ohhhhh bitches! haha i love you baby! you and lainsa and kay are my girls! its so much fun when were all toghether.. im lookin for a dime!!
i love you!


xpimpinxnxpinkx August 5 2005, 00:37:03 UTC
yeah i love u guys tooooo. thats top of the line..cute face small wast with a big behind...hehelol.... luv ya guys so much ..smooch


krissay839084 August 5 2005, 01:02:19 UTC
ohhhhhhhhhhh bitches

~*~*~ charlie lover


xpimpinxnxpinkx August 5 2005, 01:18:36 UTC
i know who u are...lol.... hehe but i can keep it a secet kkkk charlie


xoceanxbreezex August 5 2005, 02:03:01 UTC
yeha ik who it is too.. yeah ur mean!



xpimpinxnxpinkx August 5 2005, 02:14:35 UTC
im not mean.......... thats sad..... do u kno wwho charlie is...hehe... that story is really sad...memeber the movie hid n seek... charlie did it..lol...hehe...while i luv u even know u dont luv me...


xoceanxbreezex August 5 2005, 02:35:51 UTC
no i kno what charlie your talking about n its not that charlie


xpimpinxnxpinkx August 5 2005, 20:58:35 UTC
noooooo... laina u think that i am that mean....really...gosh u must not know me as well... that makes me sad..lol


pink_sparklies2 August 5 2005, 20:57:48 UTC
omg charlie did it...im completly forgot..lmfao!!


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