Writer's Block: Desert Island Time

Mar 02, 2009 16:05

Damn....that's a tough one. Let's see....

Well, I guess I would take all three season box sets of Supernatural since I gotta have some comedy and drama with the Winchesters. xD

The fourth DVD I would take would have to be Swordfish because Hugh Jackman is a hottie and John Travolta makes an awesome bad guy. x3 Plus Hallie Berry is in it too and I like her. Though if I wanted her and the sexy Hugh Jackman then I would probably take one of my Xmen DVDs. x3

Anywho, the fifth one would have to be between Shaun of The Dead and Angel Season 5. SotD because it has zombies (which I really enjoy) and British humor, and Angel because of the hilariousness of Angel and Spike together. xDDD

supernatural, dvds, zombies, writer's block, desert island

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