well here goes.....

Mar 27, 2006 11:39

Ok I havent posted in a while, but there has been something definitely on my mind lately, and I just have to rant. So to all of you bleeding heart liberals, I apologize, but here goes...
20,000 people in Phoenix, and 500,000 people in California are protesting for work visas for illegal immigrants, and not just visas but rights, rights to be an American citizen. It is predicted that at least 75% or more of the protestors are illegal themselves....so we have illegals vouching for illegals, and the government might actually be listening! Im sorry, but what in the hell has happened to America in the last like, 20 years. I am not too frightened, because the chances of this prop passing in mainly Republican states, is very very small, and Big Brother is only going to listen to so much of this before just getting annoyed and forgetting the protests ever happened. The thing is, people think that these visas are a good idea for the US because these hispanic workers will have to pay taxes, and big businesses will make more money..but hellooo...if these people are going to have to pay taxes, they are not going to work for 5 dollars an hour any more, because it wont be under the table, and because their families wont qualify for social security benefits if they have to claim their earnings...so if we let them all come over here, they will start making as much, or more than actual citizens, and the whole point of it is lost...not to mention what really scares me...
Rant number two: The other day i was in the store and the woman who was checking me out, i thought, was hispanic. She spoke fluent spanish, and she looked just like any other hispanic person might. Yet, i overheard the conversation she was having with the person in front of me, and she said that she was from Afghanistan!!! Whoa boy...scary. Now given the fact that women who work in grocery stores arent an imminent threat to the destruction of our homeland security...thats not what bothered me. It was the fact that if we open up our borders, we are opening them up to EVERYONE..not just illegal Mexican immigrants, but terrorists too...i mean, its very well known that we have some of the largest amounts of terrorists groups living right here in phoenix. After 9/11 the FBI traced back almost every terrorist to Arizona...the two exclusions were from california. So...how did they get in? Hmmmm...lets see, probably the border! So lets just open up the border completely so that we can let all sorts of hazard in. Ya see, its not just about the illegals anymore. Its about war, and terrorism, and the fact that people care more about getting a better job and making more money, than keeping the people safe. Is that what those thousands of people are protesting for? Hmm...maybe not just for illegals rights, but terrorists rights..because thats where this country is headed if we pass that prop....
In conclusion, not to make this sound like a term paper or something, i would say that i normally dont rant..i think it was Hannedy or Rush that inspired this lil ditty...but either way, when andy told me that hispanic kids are missing school to protest for the right to obtain work visas, and other such things, i believe it was time for me to say a little something...now i know i will probably get hate replies on this...but if you know me, you know how passionate i am about republican politics...and well at this point..i dont care.
On a side note, I got my copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, British Version, first edition, and it rocks my socks off...That is all

~Beth Martinez
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