New Years

Jan 01, 2006 00:39

Happy New Year everyone!!! I have had a blast tonight. Andy, Alex, Brian, Sean and Will came over, and we ate and watched Anchorman, and talked, and blasted off truckloads of fireworks....and it was SO much fun. I even made little loot bags for everyone, and to humor me the boys even wore the little party hats that i put in them. I have decided that i like my new life. I understand that every once in a while it is fun to have a little to drink, but i think that once you make it part of your life, its not fun anymore. Maybe i have changed a lot since ive met andy, but even before i did, my main goal in life wasnt to just get trashed every night. I personally dont think thats healthy or normal, but as i always each their own. I had an AMAZING new years party and im happy that i wasnt so smashed that i will actually remember what happened the next day. Wow, so the new year...2006, i have been debating and i finally decided that i am not going back to NAU. I am ok with the idea of community college, and now i feel that the only real friend i will be leaving behind is Noelle, everyone else acts as a fair weather friend anyway, and my heart is in phoenix with Andy. Our one year anniversary is coming up and i wouldnt miss it for the world. I have a feeling that this is going to be a great year, I am auditioning for NYU and i really hope that i get in, its pretty cut throat but i think that i can do it. Anyway, i had a great new year, i love Andy, and actually this year is the first year that i got to kiss someone when the clock struck is very exciting. Well i hope everyone has a great new years day....(even if its filled with hangovers)!!! PAZ OUT!!
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