(no subject)

Oct 19, 2004 23:19

i know i just updated but i am real bored so i figure ill do one of those wee things were you fill in the stuff about yourself but i can't find one online [typical that you get bombarded when you dont want them though] so ill just re-do one i did back at the very start cause i am sure some things will have changed [e.g my sex -op was successful]


My name is: Catherine-Bridget McNally
nicknames: Cath, Cat, whore [claire?], anti-feminist woman [raises an eyebrow]
sex: female *coughs*
birthday: april 2nd
colour: of me? kinda pinky whitey.... fave: black, green n red
star sign: aries [*checks it is right*]
current residence: mum and dad house, cambuslang [a at gles]
hair colour: brown *coughes: blond*
eye colour: blue [dark i think]
height: 5ft 7 and a 1/4"
writing hand: right
do you bite your nails: yes
can you roll your tongue: yes
can you raise one eyebrow: yes
can you blow smoke rings: never tried its icky anysnooch
can you blow spit bubbles: yes, and again i don't do it any more cause its icky also
can you cross your eyes: yes, see?
Tie a cherry stem in a knot with your tongue: yes, which to clear up confusion with this one is from "the witches of eastwick" and is a sign that you are good at oral sex.
Unwrap starbursts with your tongue: OPAL FRUITS... cant say i have tried
coloured hair: erm.... yes :s dont know how to esplain though
tattoos and where: yes, on my right hip.
piercing and where: no where now i have taken them out of my ears and belly button
do you make your bed daily: most days very odd if i don't
which shoe goes on first: left absolutly but according to victoria its her right?!?! dont ask!
speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: nver intentionally
how much money is usually in your wallet: about well no cause it changes i have 17pounds and some change.
what jewellery do you wear 24/7: my muticoloured star bracelet that lauren got me
what’s sexiest on a guy: erm.... no penis... lol jk, from guys that i thin are attractive erm.... campness and eyes
what’s sexiest on a girl: eyes, smile, don't know good personality

How far have you gone with a guy: just kissing and it is soooo wrong so i don't suggest it... be smart like females; who needs procreation? lol *scratches head]

How far have you gone with a girl: erm.... just kissing really and don't intend anything more to be honest... lol i am such a prude [but i love me- i dont really]

Are you dating a guy? [Who?]: fuck no!! i am married to Danny and Michael

Are you dating a girl? [Who?]:  hell no and its fucking annoying as fuck though i am married to claire and <3kat<3 and i am in love but shhh dont tell anyone...

If you are dating someone, how far would you go with them now/in the future? well now i would his her and thats about it cause i aint ready kinda thing but i dont know depends on how well we would be together and if we were ready.

Who is the sexiest guy you have kissed? jason [t'was really a peck on the cheek and didn't mean anything -to him anyway :'( lol jk]

Who is the sexiest girl you have kissed? kat by sooooooooooo far
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: who cuts spaghetti..... TWIRL IT BABY YEAH!!! -sed like austin powers
how many cereals are in your cabinet: one PORRAGE
what utensils do you use eating pizza: a pizza slice [ i know the name now though twirly thing is muchos better] and me fingers  
do you cook: indeed- quite well actually

Who would you like to cook you a meal? a chef... lol

Who would you like to have dinner with [romantically]? kat <3
watched bambi: years ago i dont like it [i did cry]
cried: like about 5hrs ago
talked on the phone: erm... at about 5 today
read a book: sooo long cause i finished my last book and haven't had a chance to get a nu one...
punched someone: tonight lol me n brian were kidding on and he broke my thumb but i hurt him lol cause he was trying to teach me to punch and it so aint happening

Kissed someone: just a kiss tonight -my mum. proper kiss dont know but it was kat <3.... rememebered it was last wed

Hugged someone? just a hug my mum tonight. an important hug dont know but it was kat.... rememebered it was last wed

Loved someone? right now i do...

Was turned on? like full on turned on never im a good girl.... just a little like erm.... last wed so you work it out... ;)

where do you see yourself ten years from now: i see myself being alive [maybe] but if i am then i wanna be working in a youth centre having done the four year course at strathclyde in community education making 7.20 an hour like michael lol ah ha
whom are you going to be married to: i dont believe in proper marrige [spelling?] though i wanna be with kat <3

Where will you get married? i wont.... damn computers dont have a brain...

Will you marry a male or a female? is this questionaire doing this to urinate me off or something..... but deff a female anysnooch

Out of your friends whom would you most like to marry? kat <3

If you are seeing someone do you ever see yourself married to him or her? hmm.... *cries*

Your profession: a youth worker
is music important to you: quite
do you sing: yes
what instruments do you play: bits of: the keyboard, piano, cornet, guitar, teeth [lol ok i actually cant but i want to so much]
what do you think of Eminem: i don't like his style but he is good at what he does and i have respect for that.
in your opinion what band is the best of all time: the beatles
pop music: not particularly
rock music: sometimes
punk music: yes
rap music: not really dont mind it though 
hip-p/RB: it okies sometimes
country: not particularly
jazz: yes alot infact
classical: sometimes
new age: what?
hardcore: ayeeeeee
indie rock: sometimes but infact no actually i kinda do
emo: yupers :(
Game: what?????
You talked to on the phone: my mum
Hugged: my mum... kat <3
You instant messaged: jason
You laughed with: michael

You kissed: my mum..... kat <3

You texted: kat <3

You liked: kat <3
could you live without the computer? probably
What’s your favourite fruit? apples oh or bannanas
What hurts the most? let down

Physical or emotional pain? emotional deff man physical scars heal
Trust others way too easily? hell yes and it pisses me right off

Who can you trust to tell your secrets to? kat, claire, most of my close mates actually... no one else even the ones that say that i can trust them fuck no... not any of the workers [cause they gots to take it to senior staff] or the psychiatrist cause everything gets written down.
I know: too much crap
I want: too much crap.... no wait actually - a new wardrobe, another bamboo table, three mirrors, some new clothes, green cons, kat<3 back and an ipod
I have: many things
I wish: i had kat<3 back, claire<3 back.... to be honest i want claire to come back and for her and sean to make up and go out and be in love again and for me to go out with kat again even if it was the same as before but kat was happy, i don't want to hate the way i think or the thoughts i have.
I hate: the thoughts i have and the way i think.
I miss: kat<3, claire<3 and lauren<3
I fear: the dark with too many people, ascending escalators
I hear: the humm of my pc just as the track changed lol and now..... "hello" the beatles
I love: kat<3, claire<3, my mum <3 and decaf coffee [thanks to michael]
I care: about kat <3, claire<3 and all my close mates.
I always: think about others before myself and i always end up hurt when push comes to shove
I dance: insanely badly, i have two right feet [both lauren and kat and my sister will back me up after last thu] and i also dance secretly lol ah ha
I cry: too fecking much for no reason, pointless reasons and sometimes quite real reasons.

I love: have i not answered this? *scratches head* kat<3, claire <3, my mum <3 and decaf coffee [thanks to michael]
I do not always: think about myself infact hardly ever...
I write: poems, and letters [thanks to englidh i write essays -damnit]
I confuse: myself [alot] and other people, especially michael.
I can usually be found: in my room, in the toilet, in the front room, at uc or hiding were you cant find me coincidently....
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: no unfortunatly

Would you like to play a game that required removal of clothing: with the right folks i wouldn't mind, infact probably not!
Favourite place to be kissed? in my ouse ew nah jk..... on my neck near my ear, my lips or my tummy.

Favourite place to kiss: lips or neck or ear... none to fussy has to be sed lol ah ha.

Favourite person to kiss: kat <3
-ARE YOU [A]/ Do you...-
Wuss: very much so
Druggie: not at all
Gang member: ah ha aye cambie fleeto [a eat gles] no lol
Daydreamer: mostly infact
Alcoholic: maybe? dont actually know
Freak: id like to think so - sed like jim carey in ace ventura
Brat: more spoilt than brat really
Sarcastic: no.......... ah ha good yin yes very much so and i should really calm down.
Goody-goody: no not really though i dont know what that is i dont think
Friend: id like to think that i am cause i would be disappointed if i wasn't...????
Shy: no not really, infact no not at all...
Talkative: yes, well depends how i feel...
Adventurous: yes lots cause i.... well i just am.
Intelligent: no! i just say the right things that make me sound intelligent!

Loved: don't know but outwith the family i think claire does and maybe kat she ses she does but i am not sure!

Love:yeah!!!! have i not answered this? *scratches head*
Known the longest: leeanne but we have kinda drifted apart so probably louise, though we didn't like each other for a long time.
Wish you saw more often: kat <3, claire <3, jason <3 most folks actually.
Laugh the most with: claire<3
Wish you knew better: kat <3
Knows you best:claire and kat <3<3
Best to hang out with when stressed: claire and kat <3<3

Best kisser: kat lol ah ha though claire comes up there pretty close though it has been a good few years lol <3<3

Best hugger: kat, claire, jaosn or danny
Your best feature [personality]: i am a good liar
Your biggest flaw [personality]: i am too good a liar
Most annoying thing you do: lie about how i am feeling so i either dont have to talk about it or dont upset who i am talking to...
Biggest mistake you've made this far: letting myself lose kat <3 and claire <3
Describe your personality in one word: neurotic
The physical feature for which you are most often complimented: nose ?wtf?
A smell that makes you smile: kat<3 actually it does cause we spoke about it!
A city you'd like to visit: new york
A drink you order most often:blackcurrent and lemonade
A delicious dessert: carmel apple pie with custard
A book you highly recommend: the cathcer in the rye, the perks of being a wallflower, the da vinci code and angels and demons
The music you prefer while alone: the beatles or the smiths
A film you could watch over and over: the wizard of oz or jungle book... or both lol oh infact sleepless in seatle to
A TV show you watch regularly: i dont.... though i have will an grace dvd's so thats not that bad i suppose
You live in: a house, on the top of a hill, which is on another hill which is on another hill [from safeways -NOT MORRISONS-]
Your transportation: trains or parents' cars 
Favourite Lyrics: the smiths-asleep, alkaline trio- weak week or i lied my face off or blue in the face, a static lullaby- the shooting star that destoyed us all or love to hate hate to me, or brand new- i will play my game beneath the spin light or 70x7, the wheels on the bus!!!

Favourite Person:ghandi - cause he was so strong and individual-, hitler -not for what he done but the man was a fecking genius-...

Love as a friend the most:claire <3

Love in your family the most: i know people say no man you cant say that cause thats not fair i love all of them or at least a few of them the same but i know i love my mum most!
Love more than a friend the most:kat <3

spank goodness that is over i got bored half way but thought i must persevere!!!
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