Oct 02, 2005 20:01
Name: Tara
Nickname: Ta...ra?
Sex: occasionaly
Birthday: july 25
Siblings: Danny and Christian
Shoe size: 8ish
Height: 5'something
What are you wearing right now: pulp fiction tshirt, pj pants, and a big fluffy robe
where do you live?: bayport
Righty or lefty: Righty
Favorite cartoon character: batman
Given anyone a bath: pets
Have you ever smoked: Nope
Bungee Jumped: i wish
Parasailed: also want to do that
Made yourself throw-up: for medical reasons
Gone skinny dipping: want to
Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: unfortunately
Eaten a dog biscuit: no
Loved someone so much it made you cry: yesm
Played truth or dare: yeah
Been in a physical fight: yeah
Been in a police car: no
Been in a sauna: yeahhh
Been in a hot tub: mmyes
Swam in the ocean: not as much as I'd like...i.e. everyday
Fallen asleep in school: oh yes
Ran away: nah
Broken someone's heart: oh yes
Cried when someone died: yeah
Cried in school: I think after I peed my pants in first grade
Fell off your chair: mhm
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yeah
Saved MSN / AOL / AIM conversations: not for a few years
Saved e-mails: just college jargon I'm too lazy to get rid of
Fallen for your best friend?: yeah
*First thing that comes to mind*
Red: kim
Blue: common
*What is..*
Your good luck charm: my spit
What's beside you?: a sea of hopefully clean clothes
What kind of shampoo do you use: anything fruity
Something good that happened to you this year: met Evan
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: can't thin of anything
Believe in love at first sight: looking back, yeah.
Like picnics: chyeah
Like school: some aspects
loved anyone: how could I not?
*Would you:*
eat a live hampster?: no
Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars: no
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you:
*Who Was the last person *
You touched: Danny
You massaged: Sam I think
You yelled at: Danny
Who broke your heart: no one recently
Who told you they loved you last: my mommy
Is your loudest friend: Frank
*Do you/Are You:*
Do you like filling these out: instead of prcalc? oh yes
Do you wear contacts or glasses: I should
Do you like yourself: yeah I'm cute
Obsessive: nah
*Final questions-*
What are you listening to right now: the sound of Crash in the other room
Can you do a front or back flip: not really
What did you do yesterday: soccer game, got ditched so I watched the Whole 9 Yards and talked to Evan some.
do you hate someone in your family: I don't hate, but some of my family sucks
Got any awards: like 20 nyssma medals, and other musical and soccer things
Want to get married: depends to who. I wouldn't get married just to be married.
What is your favorite video game: duckhunt!
Good actor: decent
Good Singer: yeah
Have a lava lamp: I wish
Are you double jointed: I can bend my arms the wrong way
What do you dream about: people I shouldn't.
Last time you showered: around 4?
The last movie you saw at the theaters: 40 year old virgin
silver or gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: pearl
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
Phone or in person: in person<3
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: middle