-Title- "The Boy With The Ebony Hair" pt.2
-Rating- PG to PG-13 for language
-Summary- what happens when alex wakes up, blah blah blah.
-Authors notes or any other information- posting to redeem myself because the first part was shit. this ones not too great either, but at least there's some decent philosophical conversation going on between lily and alex. the REALLY interesting parts are up next.
Alex woke up in an unfamiliar room with all the curtains pulled shut and a funny metallic smell in the air. He looked around without moving from his position. The walls were all painted black and the canopied bed (with black silk sheets) on which he was laying was facing a large room furnished with 17th century style antiques. A large wardrobe stood in one corner and a desk in another. He was alone in the room and he decided to lay in the comfortable bed for another minute while he tried to collect the memories of how he got there. As he did, a girl in a long black and red crushed velvet dress came into the room. She had waist-length light brown hair and she carried herself with a delicate self-assurance.
"Hey! I remember you!"
"Good," she smiled, showing abnormally sharp inscisors.
"Didn't you say your name was Lily or something?"
"That's it. I'm glad you're awake. You were starting to worry me," she walked to his side and stood over him.
"Where the hell am I?"
"This is where I live."
"What? I went home with you last night?" he sounded frantic. "How did that happen?"
"No, it wasn't like that. I carried you here."
"Why did you carry me here?" he tried to sit up. His hand flew up to his neck and he bared his teeth in pain. She was pleased to see that his teeth were beginning to come to a point already too.
"Because you were unconcious."
"You don't remember any of it do you?" she was disappointed. She didn't want to have to tell him all the details, but it looked like she had no choice.
"All I remember is you, I was talking to you and then I turned around to walk away and it went black."
"Let me show you what happened," she sat down on the bed next to him and leaned down close to his face. He closed his eyes as she kissed his mouth. Two fingers made their way up to his neck and landed on either hole in his flesh. She pressed down. He let out a pained yell and slapped her hand away.
"Ow! What'd you do that for?"
"Do you know how those got there?" he shook his head. She smiled and showed her teeth, that he obviously had missed before. His eyes widened.
"You're fucking kidding me."
"Do you think I would lie?"
"How would I know if you're lying or not? For all I know, you could be some crazed lunatic from an asylum who kidnapped me to prove some stupid point about the rock music industry. Or worse, you could be an obsessed teenaged girl who wants to take me home and hide me under her bed and keep me as her personal sex slave. Which is it?"
"Neither. Though it does lean more towards number two."
"Which part?"
"The sex slave part. Let me explain," she layed down next to him on the bed.
"Before you do anything, please tell me when this is going to go away," he pointed to his neck.
"Not long. You should be able to at least sit up comfortably in a few minutes, at least. Okay, from the beginning," she made herself comfortable in a position where her hand was inches from his. This was the most affection she had felt from any sort of life form in the longest time, and she wanted to make the most of it. "I am a," she inhaled deeply. "A-"
"Vampire?" he offered disbelievingly.
"Yes, that. Sorry, I just haven't talked to anyone about this in fifty-three years."
"Fifty-three years? You wear it well,"
"Vampires don't age. I was twenty-two when I was bitten. I'll be twenty-two for all of eternity. You're twenty-five, right?"
"Twenty-four, thank you. I'm not twenty-five until April. All eternity?"
"We don't die either. I mean, there are certain ways that you can kill us, of course, but we don't die of natural causes."
"Don't you mean that you don't die of natural causes?"
"We. Let me speak, please."
"It's okay. So I was bitten when I was twenty-two, I've been a vampire for fifty-three years, meaning I was born in 1930," she heard him mutter a chain of swear words and smiled to herself. "Being a solitary vampire is very lonely buisness, I'll tell you that much. The one that made me was burned alive only hours after he did make me and was able to tell me all that I'm about to tell you. Up until now, I was the only of our kind left in the world."
"I don't like your use of the word 'our'."
"You'll get used to it. You are what you are and you can't deny it. You'll see soon enough," he shot her a wary glance.
"Why did you make me, then?"
"I was lonely. When you're the only vampire left in the world, all you have is yourself. I wanted a companion, a mate, if you will. Try sitting up," he did as she said and to his surprise, he felt much better. "See? I told you it wouldn't last long. It's not supposed to, after you wake up the next morning. As I was saying, I wanted someone to be with as long as I live. If you use the word 'live' loosely, of course. I combed over hundreds of men before I found you. I wanted to find the man that I thought would mind being a vampire the least. I saw you and I knew it. I fell in love with you the first time I heard your voice, which is why I hunted you for a week before I finally made my attack. All those times you kept seeing the shadows transform shapes, when you would hear hisses and the intake of breath and thought you were going insane, that was me," she paused to hear what he had to say.
"Wow," he said softly. "This is crazy. It's too strange to be made up, and way too fucked up to be reality. Prove to me that you are what you say you are, and furthermore, prove to me that this is what I am."
"Thirsty?" she asked, getting up and disappearing through a second door on the opposite wall that Alex couldn't see from his previous vatage point. She reappeared seconds later with what appeared to be a glass of water. She wordlessly offered it to him and he took it. He looked at it strangely, as if he expected it to be poisoned. She nodded eagerly and he took a large swig, attempting to swallow it but instead choking on it and spitting it out onto the bed.
"Shit! Sorry about that," he looked embarassed.
"Don't worry about it," she said, mopping up the water with one of the belled sleeves on her dress. "See my point? Your body naturally repels what you would need to live if you were a human. The only kind of sustinance your body can handle is blood,"
"I guess you're right then. So I'm a fuckin' vampire now, huh?" he said the word "vampire" as if it was a new, foreign word to him. He looked shocked to be using it to describe himself.
"Yes, you are. And it seems to be that my first attempt at making another has been a sucess."
"I'm not sure I like the idea of this too much."
"Don't get the pop culture imagery of a vampire get to you. It's really a beautiful thing."
"You made me because you were lonely? Whatever happened to the legend that vampires can't feel emotion or remorse for what they've done?"
"They usually can't."
"You obviously made me because you wanted someone to love. Vampires can't love," he said coldly.
"They can learn to. I have. And you may too," she stroked his forehead. He closed his eyes, accepting the words he was telling her. He didn't want to learn how to love. He wanted everything to be normal again. Of course, nothing really was normal in his life, but he certainly didn't want to be a vampire. This girl was intriguing, though. The way that she hypothesized that vampires might have the capacity to love. It made him want to laugh, a vampire loving someone. Especially a human! He knew a good deal about vampires, and if there was one thing he did know, it was that they most definitely could not feel the strong emotions that she was talking about. Not even lust or passion, except for blood or for the hunt.
"Go to sleep now," she said, putting a damper on his thoughts and making him realize how tired he was. "I'll take you out tonight to teach you how to feed on your own."
"You mean it's daytime right now? I thought that vampires only came out at night and slept during the day."
She laughed, her laugh ringing like bells in the chamber and slicing through the dankess of the dreary place. "Another myth. Vampires sleep when they please, but you'll probably find it easier to hunt under the protection of the night. Plus as a human, I was never fond of the sun myself. As a vampire, and as the last real vampire on Earth, I suppose that would stoke the fire of myth a little when people go out at night and don't return and the body is found the next morning with the blood drained out."
"Oh," he said pensively. "Stay with me while I sleep, please? I don't know where I am and I don't like being alone in strange places."
"Of course," she layed down next to him, snuggling in closer than before. She rested her hand on his cheek and met his emerald eyes with her own colbalt-colored.
"I can't believe this is happening. I was kidnapped after a show and brought here to be the lover to a vampiress," he closed his eyes as she whispered.
"You ought believe it," she breathed in his ear. "Because it's happening and you're becoming one too. You'll make a wonderful vampire as well. Smart and strong, the two carachteristics we need to posess. Now sleep, lover," she kissed his forehead as he drifted off to sleep.