Jan 01, 2004 13:44
So Walter calls me and is like "Will you be ready by 7?" [because he called me earlier and i was in the bath :-X] I'm like ofcourse. So I ask my mom what time I have to be home. She says 5 am SWEEEET!
So he picks me up and we pass Sam's house. He wanted to stop by but I think Sammy would kill me so I told him no. He called Sam at one point of the night but I don't know what happened to that. Then we go look for Ryan's house. He's a cool kid. I see him in only a towel coming out. hah I was informed I was drooling. oops. How the heck do I never see him in school. I've met him like 3 times now and still didn't know he went to South. I met these two girls from Central Whitney and Caitleen. Cool chicks.
So finally Ryan is done getting ready after HOW LONG! We take off to Cariabo Coffee [sp!] and just chill there for a while. The girls gave me some crystal things to put on me but they wouldn't work right. Oh well. but we had fun being goof balls listening to music n shits.
After Cameron called us, we go look for his house. He's such a cutie heh Some Rich kid was with him also. And that's about it from "our people" and we go to Stardust Motel. NIIIIICE.
Ofcourse there is a fridge of liquor. tisk tisk. Thank God Walter doesn't drink or smoke either. <333
So we just chill, try ordering pizza, didn't know it was THAT difficult. The girls had to leave before midnight so I WAS THE ONLY GIRL THERE! FUCKKKK.
Some guys from the other room come and join us and we count off to midnight. I called my Jessie because Walter wanted to know who I'm engaged to. hah! I also called Scott. <33 Those were the only people I could call because my phone was passed around and no where in site. I'm sorry to the rest of you. I LOVE YOU
So finally Walter asked me about my answer to if I would go out with him or not. I told him no and explained why. He didn't want my explanation even but I made him hear it because I felt so incredibly bad. After Homecoming, he thought i viewed him as a TOY! since when do I view any guy as a toy?!
Later during the night, he looked me into the eyes and giggled. I go "What?" he tells me "I really do like you." Oh man. I didn't know how to respond to that.
Well, 9 drunk guys in a room and one girl. not too fun! all of them wanted to get some. ummm. ew. but they were funny because they couldnt remember anything. stupid drunks.
There was this 18 year old virgin there and they all teasing me to atleast shake his hand... so I did. I shook his left hand. Keep that in mind. I later ask if hes "left handed" or "right handed". ofcourse he had to be left handed! SOOOOOO GROSS. :-X
At the end of the night, they all wanting a flash. Um excuse yous. NO. Cameron was teasin me all night if Walter got lucky tonight. HAH. oh boy no.
I just loved last night. Best New Years so far. It's actually a tie from when I spent it with Justine and Sam at Ginny's house. I loved it because I was actually with my two best friends that night.