Jan 03, 2005 00:44
school starts again as of wednesday. i'm ready. i actually missed the rutine i established here at school, and odly enough i missed my education. i know my girlfriend definitely DIDN'T miss driving only 3 minutes to see me(instead, driving roughly an hour to westville and back) but soon she hopefully will not have to drive at all to see me as i will be getting my car insurance re-instated within the next couple days and i owe her driving time like woah.
break was good. i got to relax bigtime and the length of the break seemed entirely appropriate. not too long or short. just long enough for me to feel the perfect mix of "loving relaxing/ready to go back to school." i enjoyed being home and feeling like part of a family again. as much as i like my clean orderly room, i didn't mind spending two weeks sleeping on a couch that smelled like puppies and kitties. it was well worth it to see my family and actually SEE them. new years was a friggin blast. i spent it with my best friends and i felt very cared for. i bowled serioulsy like 4 times the last week of break which made me undescribably happy. all in all, it was a splendid break.
earlier on the phone, i promised jennifer "princess" chuprinskas an entire paragraph devoted to her, which will begin now:
dear Jennifer,
ooooo baby i love ya waaaaay. i feel like every day i'm with you i get to know you better. i think that most people i've met, i have kind of pegged them down and pretty much understood them after a couple months. i've known you for about 11 months and dated you for nearly 7 of them, and i find out new things that i like about you about every time we get to be together. the more i'm with you, the more fun i have. i've NEVER since we've been together said to myself, "gosh, i think me n' tidus just need to spend a little less time together." you keep me excited and interested and i don't think that will ever change. furthermore, i know that maybe you think it's cheesy when i say this, but i honestly look up to you. you're such a responsible tough girl, and i appreciate that you can put up with my lax and sometimes lazy attitude. i know that things like my problems with insurance are just as much my problem as my parents' and i push things off on people sometimes, but i'm trying to change that and i think i'm off to a good start. i want to be like you in more ways than you know, and that's a big part of why i love you so much. i could never look down on you if i tried because i don't think you'd ever really let me down. i trust you completely (even if i get a little jealous now and again). to conclude my promised paragraph, let me say thank you for loving me like you do. i know it's easy to love a cuddly teddybear like myself and you're basically helpless to fend off my charming and frequent advances, but thank you anyway. i need your lovin' so keep it comin'. i can't wait to go get your ring wednesday!
with all my appreciation, trust, and love,