i am so upset

Jun 26, 2007 10:19

there are so many situations that i could have blown up on, and made a big deal out of things, but i didn't and i haven't, because im not that type of girl. But when it comes to the point where you say im not doing something that i am doing.. and im getting the short end of the stick because of it... you will regret your decision. I will make your life a living hell, and don't doubt that i will speak my mind on certain situations.. nobody shuts me up, and i will talk to you however i deem necessary. I am just so sick of two faced bitches who think they are so amazing. I am SICK of being talked about behind my back, and i am SICK of certain people who take advantage of me. The saddest part is, everything always happens on monday mornings... and the rest of the week i work nights but starting next week i go on three mornings and two nights. the world is going to really suck for a while.
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