got tagged by
eliza_natsuko even though i havent done any fanart/fanfic... but i'll do my best^^
1. My fav fandom?
~ prince of tennis, gravitation
2. Your fav pairing(s)? Why?
~ mostly i read tezukaxfuji. fujixryoma. fujixyuta. oshitarixgakuto. yukixshuichi. asamixakihito. ~~ because i love the pairingXD.. i dont know WHY... but i like sanadaxyukimura, ohtorixshishido, oishixeiji, momoshiroxryoma even though i never read the fic related to them
3. Pairing(s) I hate the most? Why?
~ other pairing of POT except the one i love... i just say... not all pot char suited to be paired for ^^;;;
4. First fic ever?
~ hmmm... last year,,, postponed... and then i continued it this year... and
a1y_puff helped me... but i was supposed to make a sequel... but i havent made it so its unfinished T_T
5. Genre(s) that suits you the most?
~ mostly angst, drama, and adventure/fantasy^^
6. Numbers of fic when you do this meme?
~ only one and its unfinished *hix... i'm doing my bestT_T*
7. Your fav author(s)? Why?
~author that managed to make a story with a long plot i mean it can be up to 50chaps up but the story is still a thrill to read...
sadly,,, not much tezukaxfuji with a long serial fic... i usually find this in gravitation fic... i cried a lot when i read gravi fics... T_T
8. Ever though your fics are good?
~ nope,,, i'm still a beginner... so, there's so much thing to catch up ^^
9. Ever received critics for your fics? Did that effect you?
~ yes,,, but i realize my own mistakes ^^ so i'm fine with it...
10. Are you famous among the other authors?
~ no... i'm not an author like everyone else... i'm more like a reader ^^ who reads and support the author XD