Despite being locked up, it appears that the world is still turning. I got out for a walk the other day and saw some cherry blossoms and other flowers. I live by the Ozeki One Cup factory (very classy), and while the factory itself is ugly as sin, they actually put some effort into making the paths around it look nice. They have a bunch of cherry trees and planters all along the outside of it. And it was still very socially distant because nobody actually wants to go to the Ozeki One Cup factory.
There's still been nothing from the Japanese SE team about physical edition deliveries, so I'm choosing to assume it means that everything is fine and it will arrive on Friday. I've been avoiding anything where there might be spoilers, and haven't even watched the last few trailers they put out. Is it just me, or does SE have a tendency to put huge spoilers into trailers for things they're trying to hype.
While I wait, I've been playing Bravely Default, which I never finished. I have a NA region and a JP region 3DS, so I've been getting them to Streetpass each other so I can get more villagers. It's giving me flashbacks to playing FF4 on the DS when they had the stupid send mail to your friends to unlock all this stuff thing. Does nobody consider the lifespan of these gimmicks?
I've also been watching Netflix with my friend in England. She moved back last year, and I miss her terribly. But she's got a place on her own and internet now, so we've been talking a lot. We call and do a countdown to start a show, then message each other through it. We finished watching Tiger King last night. That was a wild ride. Like watching a train wreck, but everyone on the train is horrible, so you're just hoping that there are some nice parts for the tigers to eat in the wreckage.
My mom's quarantine buddy.
Has quarantined himself in a box. I miss them both.