(no subject)

Dec 12, 2005 15:21

So I signed on AOL today, and this was the latest news I was greeted with.

I guess we know who really won American Idol.
And of course, what the really important news is.
I don't know, that made me laugh a little.

So I finished 1984 today. I thought the ending was pretty wack. And I don't know about you, but I still don't know who's dead and who's alive. I really did like it though. It kept me interested. Although all the torture stuff freaked me out. A LOT. Like the tooth thing. And the rat thing. Yeah, if you read it, you know what I mean. haha.

Friday: Snow Day! I definitely just chilled at home and watched movies in pajamas all day. I was invited to a snowball fight... but I didn't feel like getting sicker. Which I did anyway, because now I can't stop coughing. But that's okay. Snow Day = awesome no matter what.

Saturday: Woke up early [for a saturday anyway] to go shopping with Kayt. Got nearly all my shopping done. We went to Woodbridge. We were in like every store... twice. Haha. Our awesome idea was to shop in all these places, then decide what to actually buy in our discussion over lunch. Yeah, don't do that, you get really tired. Haha. Ate at Johnny Rockets. It was a fun day though. Quite a few good laughs, y'know.

Sunday: Band Banquet! Mike came, I was happy =D. Lots of pictures and gifts and laughs and awards. Drove home with the Best Should-Be Couple in the Best Car. Word. But yeah, I won't lie, I basically chilled with Mike all night. Haha. but I danced a bit. The DJ was like literally falling apart. Everything was breaking. It was kinda funny. I felt bad for him. There's soooo many seniors leaving =( And I just now realized that the seniors are pretty much the only people in band that I talk to. Boo. Next year is gonna be so wackkkk without them. But we still have senior roasts. That's gonna be hilarious. But can it beat the seniors' play? We shall see.

Today: School. Wack. Y'know. WC test. I forgot what ostracism was. Swore it had something to so with an ostrich. Jaykay, i'm not that dumb. But I did forget what ostracism was. So did Kayt. We did bad. Haha. Today felt like such a waste. Like I totally didn't learn anything. I just used 'like' and 'totally' in the same sentence. I'm done. =D
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