(no subject)

Nov 15, 2005 15:39


Known as: Kelly
Gender: Female
Lives in: Rahway
Birthday: March 11th
Shoe size: 8
Hair color: red/brown/blonde
Eye color: green/blue
Style: it varies.
Fears: clowns, large bodies of water, being alone.


Cheated on someone? no
Fallen off the bed? of course
Fallen for a relative? ew, no
Broke someone's heart? I guess
Had your heart broken? yes
Had a dream come true? yes. I better, I make them every night.
Done something you regret? I regret a lot of things
Cheated on a test? haha, oh yeah.


Wearing? jeans, white belt, black cami, brown hoodie
Listening to? Fall Out Boy ♥
Reading? this survey which seems pretty long
Located? in my room
Chatting with? Lizard
Watching? nothing. I never watch TV.
Should REALLY be doing ? homework.


Brush your teeth? that's so last year. aha, I kid.
Have any piercings? ears
Drive? I wish!
Believe in Santa Clause? is there any doubt?
Drink? I haven't in quite a while. But yeah, I guess.
Got a cellphone? yeah... piece of crap...
Got a pager? those exist still?


Who is your best? Kayt, Alyssa, Mike.
Who do you hate? whores. haha
Who is the shyest? Alyssa or Mike, but only at first.
Who is the most talkative? Kayt and Alyssa are pretty close.
Who is the cutest? they're all pretty hot. haha
Who laughs the most? Alyssa
Who's the dorkiest? MIKE.
Who has the best style? Alyssa. Because if she were a boy, she'd a be a cute little rocker guy, and that's hot. hahaha
Who have you known the longest? Alyssa
Who have you known the shortest? Mike
Who do you miss the most? Mike. *pout* <3
Who do you turn to for personal problems? All of them

Do you hang out with the opposite sex? of course. sometimes they're just more fun than girls.
Do you trust your friends? with my life
Are you a good friend? I hope so [Alyssa's probably gonna leave some nasty comment saying i'm not, though. haha]
Can you keep a secret? surely.
have you ever been in love? I am =D


Hugged? =O I haven't hugged anyone today!
Kissed? Mike.
Gave Kisses? Mike.
IMed? Mike.
Talked to on the phone? Mike.
Yelled at? Mike.
Fell in love with? you'll never guess!


What do you want to be when you grow up? psh, I wish I knew
Best day: when I see Mike, which is rare. hah

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? si! <3
What are you most scared of? clowns/large bodies of water/being alone. I thought I answered this...
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? Mike. i'm gonna count how many times I mention him in this...
Did you lose someone you really loved? yes
How many times have you fallen deeply in love? Once. <3
Love your family? for the most part.
Love your friends? always!


Movie: currently Jarhead. only because it was the last one I saw. lol
Song: sooo many
Group: sooo many again, but I love P!ATD, FOB, MCS, THS, Paramore, etc. etc.
store: dunno, I buy what I like.
Relative: my brother and my sister.
Sport: Colorguard? lol
Ice Cream Flavor: Birthday Cake Remix
Fruit: pineapple, I think.

Candy: psh, dunno. Although I got Caramel Crunch trick-or-treating and that was pretty bangin'.
Day of the Week: friday/saturday
Time: 12:34, 12:35, 2:31, and 11:11
Color: green/teal/white
Name for a Girl: I forget
Name for a Boy: ^
Favorite spot for a date: anywhere with him


Like to give hugs? of course
Like to give kisses? again, of course
Like to walk in the rain? yesss...
Prefer black or blue pens? black, I hate blue pens.
Like to travel? don't really travel, but I wish I did. I love going to new places.
Like someone(S)? psh, no. I love him. <3
Sleep on your side? most of the time
Think you're attractive? no, not really.
Have a goldfish? I used to, it died =( his name was Le Phantom.


Pierced nose or tongue? if I had to choose, nose. hurts less.
Single or taken? Taken <333
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? Dawson's Creek
Sugar or salt? uh, *shrug*
Silver or gold? silver
Chocolate or flowers? Flowers
Color or Black-and-white photos? I like both =)
M&M's or Skittles? Skittles
Stay up late or sleep in? Sleep in!
Hot or cold? Hot
Sun or moon? Moon
Left or Right? right
10 Acquaintances or one best friend? 1 best friend
Mustard or ketchup? ketchup. mustard = ew.
Spring or Fall? both are pretty
Happy or sad? happy!
Wonder or amazement? amazement
McDonald's or Burger King? neither?
Mexican or Italian food? depends on what i've had too much and got sick of.
Lights on or off? it bothers me not having a light on when it's getting a little dark out. like right now.
Candy or soda? uh, coffee. lol
Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi Mike's name is in that survey 12 times. I REALLY must be stopped.

Guess what! I'm seeing some sexy rocker boys on the 23rd! Panic!, FOB, Motion City Soundtrack... Fusion Tour, bitches! I have a pass for the Meet and Greet too. I better get in. Okay, i'm done being overly souped now.
By the way, my "Music" section of this entry should say "I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song by Fall Out Boy." Kinda sad how that doesn't fit.
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