(no subject)

Nov 04, 2005 16:09

stolen from Colleen =)

My name is: Kelly
I may seem: a little quiet
But I'm really: always looking for something stupid and crazy to do.
Sometimes I feel: like I wanna move out of town.
Then there are times when I feel: like I could never leave my friends.
In the morning I: am in the worst mood, but then I get his text.
I like to sleep: all cozy in my tons of blankets.
If I could be doing anything right now I would be: with Mike when he gets his hair cut.
Money: is something I spend really fast.
One thing I wish I had is: a house right next door to his.
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: an injured wrist.
All I need: my friends, my family, my love.
If I had one wish it would be: to go someplace in the moutains with him and play in the snow and sit in front of a warm fire and watch the stars.

First best friend: this girl that moved to Florida when her dad won the lottery. I forget her name.
First car: nada.
First date: psh, I dunno.
First real kiss: don't remember.
First break-up: in like 3rd grade. hahaha
First screen name: Sassykj311. yes I still have it on AOL.
First self purchased album: Hanson
First funeral: my grandfathers
First pets: Spirito, my cat until I was like 4 or 5.
First piercings/tattoos: ears
First credit card: nada.
First true love: August 14th - right now <3
First enemy: my brother. haha
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Led Zepplin

Last cigarette: Never.
Last car ride: yesterday coming home from school.
Last kiss: October 30th.
Last good cry: a while ago, don't remember exactly, it was over something dumb.
Last library book checked out: One Thousand White Women to read for English
Last movie seen: Wallace and Gromit with Alyssa and Derek I think. haha, good times.
Last beverage drank: tea.
Last food consumed: turkey.
Last crush: Mike <3
Last phone call: Kayt.
Last time showered: this morning.
Last shoes worn: green Cons.
Last CD played: Panic.
Last item bought: food?
Last annoyance: my mom
Last disappointment: last night... not being able to see him... gr.
Last time wanting to die: quite a while ago
Last time scolded: like 5 minutes ago. haha
Last shirt worn: blue American Eagle polo.
Last website visited: uh, Livejournal.
Last word you said: "wow".
Last song you sang: The Call by Backstreet Boys. don't ask. lol.

What is in your CD player?: Panic.
What color socks are you wearing?: none.
What color underwear are you wearing?: blue with yellow, green, and white stars.
What's under your bed?: shoes.
What time did you wake up today?: 6, then went back to sleep until 11:30.

Where do you want to go?: another state.
What is your career going to be?: I wish I knew.
Where are you going to live?: with someone awesome.
How many kids do you want?: not sure if I want kids.

Current mood: pretty bored.
Current music: nada.
Current taste: tea.
Current hair: straightened, in a ponytail.
Current crush: my love <3
Current longing: him.
Current desktop picture: this fall scene my grandma put up.
Current favorite artist(s): so hard to decide.
Current favorite song(s): again, super hard.
Current favorite movie(s): see above!
Current favorite television show(s): I don't watch much TV. I used to love everwood but now i'm sick of it. it's getting pretty wack.
Current favorite commercial: ?
Current book(s): reading 1984 sorta.
Current color of toenails: Colorless.
Current time-wasting wish: phone call
Current hate: not seeing himmmm =(
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