Nov 29, 2004 21:50
hey dudes...not rele much to report on the school front today...xcept
me n that jess girl in web design r getting closer...shes rele awesome,
even if shes a freshman...we're tlc obsessed! hehe...i hav 2 watch the
'waterfalls' video 2nite...omg i watched 'no scrubs' and 'unpretty'
sooooo many yea neways...nuttin rele happened 2day...but i
need to get the awesome ruler that amanda has...but im soo sad it
doesnt click anymore =[[ but thas okay...hehe the thing on my french
page-a-day calendar (shut up! its from my gramma!!) says
Ca arrivera quand les poules auront des dents.
translated as: That'll happen when pigs fly.
literal translation: That'll happen when hens have teeth.
okay, how do these mean the same thing?? weird french people...okay im gonna go talk 2 some ppl online and then sleeepp!!
T i AmO