(no subject)

Jul 28, 2004 19:46

holla peeps... i havent been here for a couple days... heres what i have done:

saturday i went to karate n taught 2 classes... there was this lil girl she was soooo cute! she told me to come back next week but i said i couldnt cuz i live in NY n she got all sad =(. then after class kevin (the karate teacher) braguht us to get sum pizza cuz we were starving.

then i got home n my gpa said ed stopped by like 5 minutes ago...so i called em n he told me krissy was up from effin philly so i was all phyched n i told em come pick me up! so his mom came like a 1/2 hour hater n got me . then me, mike, ed, danielle, n kristina all went in the hot tub =D ppppurrrrr lol. then kristina went home to eat, ed braught me home so he could eat n he told me he was gonna come back n get me.

then i called em at 9:00 (2 hours later!) n asked where the fuck he was n if he was picken me up again n hes like ill c... im like ull c?!" u told me u were commin back to get me wtf! n hes like well i have a house full of ppl i cant really leave so i hung up on him cuz he just pisses me off.... hes worse then a woman. then i called him back like 5-10 mins. later n asked em if i got a ride tehre could i come? n hes like nah cuz im in towmensing wit the gf n my mom dont want ne1 else at the house. so then i was just pissed beyond belief cuz i wanted to effin go out n smoke n drink n b jolly but nooo! ppl hafta SUCK! grrrr!!! throughout the night i called ashlee. its nice to talk to her again. =) i love her.

newho... sunday we went to NY for a funeral... n we left monday mornin cuz dee had surgery on teusday. so tuesday deena went into surgery n got her tonsils out n she couldnt talk all yesterday n most of today so ive been in heaven. lol i kno thats mean to say but its tru. its nice to get some peace n quiet. pondzy called me yesterday too ...kept me occupied for a lil while but she was tired so she departed a lil early. =/ but its all god  atleast i got to talk to her =)

n today i slept till 2 in the afternoon n didnt do nething. but i was bored so i decided to post. =)

k thats all folks. mmfcl

<3 danna
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