May 04, 2005 21:17
I just watched this amazing documentary on MTV called 'I'm Still Here' about the holocaust and all the jewish people that were tortured and killed for their beliefs. They had journals of jewish teenagers that they read as the narroration, and they showed footage and photos, some of them were extremley eye opening, and I learned from it. Some of the writing in these journals were amazing in lack of better words, there is some phrases that just stick in my head from it, its unbelievable. One phrase that stuck in my head was from an unidentified Jewish girl who was forced to live in a ghetto with minimal food and shelter, She said they were being treated worse then pigs and she had to restrain herself from yelling at the Nazi soldiers and the one like that stuck out was " We had to keep quiet, even though our hearts were breaking". I know Im like rambling about this but this was one of the most amazing things I've ever watched. They showed this little commercial type thing inbetween the show and it had people saying what they thought the holocaust was, some were saying they thought the holocaust was Haunaka, or a war between America and Russia. 53% of high school students dont know what the holocaust is and they dont care. I think more people should care about history, it may be boring at times but (at least to me anyways) at times its also very interesting to learn about things that happened to the generations before you, cause soon its going to be our generation thats going to be written about in history books and I know I would want future kids to know about what happened to us when we were young, and maybe actually care about it. Well Im going to shut up about this now...but I highley suggest that if you catch the re-run of 'I'm Still Here' sit and watch it, its only an hour and maybe you'll take something from it like I did. And my rant is now finished.