Questions meme

Feb 22, 2009 23:23

Last one today, I promise xD they're fucking addictive, though
Stolen from mememadness

Real name: Nadia
Nicknames: Na, Nadi, Nadita, Paddie, Bebus
Married: nope
Male/Female: female
High school: finished already, thank you very much
College: done too
University: still on it
Short or long hair: mine?, middle lenght, kinda longer now
Are you a healthy freak: xD very much the opposite
Height: 1.69mt (5' 6'' according to myspace)
Do you have a crush on someone: Nah, not really
Do you like yourself: ditto =B
Piercings: yes, left side lip ring, 6mm gauge plug on my right lobe and three regular earings on my left one
Righty or lefty: righty

Surgery: Hadn't any surgery yet =B
Piercing: when i was born, my mom pierced my ears. It's a pretty common thing, so i'd say 17 was the first not-common piercing, my lip ring
Award: Umh... golden medal in gymnastics at a club near home, when i was 11
Sport you joined: artistic gymnastics, since i was 5
Pet: Memeu, my first siamese cat, he was there before i was born ^^ i used to ride him as a pony xD he used to scratch me. We had a nice relationship *sigh*  
Vacation: Florianopolis, Brazil, when i was 5 months old
Concert: when i went to see Maná, in 2003
First crush: Nacho, a boy I met on my vacations on Mar de Ajó when i was three years old

Eating: nothing, just had dinner
Drinking: nothing =P
I'm about to: fart? xD lmao, nah, not really. I'm about to do nothing

Your future...
Want kids: Yeah, maybe
Want to get married: If the right person comes, then yeah, why not?
Careers in mind: i'm already on it, graphic designer and publicist

Which is better?
Lips or eyes: both
Hugs or kisses: dunno. Both xD
Shorter or taller:   for me?, shorter... i mean, i'd like to be shorter xD don't really enjoy being tall
Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous
Sensitive or loud: Loud xD
Troublemaker or hesitant: Troublemaker

Have you ever...
Kissed a stranger: nope
Drank bubbles: nope Oo
Lost glasses or contacts: nope, never
Ran away from home: yeah, when i was younger, i used to ran away to my friends' house and stay there
Liked someone younger: not that i remember Oo
Liked someone older: yes, sir
Broke someone's heart: sadly, yeah
Cried when someone died: yup, i always cry when someone i know dies.

Do you believe in...
Yourself: mh. Not really xD i lie myself a lot
Miracles: mhhh nah, not really
Heaven: it'd be cool if it were true, sometimes i do believe it exists
Santa Claus: wtf? xD no!
Magic: nah
Angels: angels are ok xD

Answer truthfully...
Is there someone you want to be with right now?: my bedroom xD but i have to be here in order to have internet signal
Do you believe in God: nah. Used to, not anymore


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