lazyness = 110%

Dec 10, 2007 14:08

OMG, I hate you, LJ.

I've just made a post here, or better say, was writting a post, and the motherfucker thing deleted it.

*takes a deep breath and tries to relax*

Anyway... let's start this all over again.

I woke up today at 13hs, ONLY because I heard my mother arguing with my sister on the phone. If not, believe me, I would've slept 'till 2 or 3 pm. I don't know what's wrong with me, why do I sleep that much. I don't do anything during the day to be THIS tired. I mean, I what I only do is sit here in my desk and be on the computer the entire freaking day, doing stuff for college. I don't even go out, not even to de drugstore a block away here to buy anything, not even my beloved mint gums. It's pathetic.

And I didn't stay up that late yesterday, I went to sleep at 4, because I couldn't stop reading the small book of A Clockwork Orange. I'm almost finished and I don't want to xD it's so amazing... Alex is by far one of the best book characters EVER (Lestat's still on the first place, of course xD but let's say Alex is 3rd. The second might be Sirius Black []), I so love his innocence/evilness xD it's so lovely. I feel really bad about him, and it's a really cool book with a lot of morals, like how it's better to choose doing good instead of being forced to do it. It's simply amazing. It's reccomended to everybody.

And thanks to him, I won't be able to hear the song Singing in the rain without thinking of beating the shit out of someone. Alex, you rock!

Another new is that I finally saw the ending of Stephen King's IT. Yeah, didn't read the book yet, it's IMPOSSIBLE TO GET in Buenos Aires. Totally impossible. Like a couple more of King's books. Guess they're being re-edited, but still, nobody has them. BUT, I saw the movie, a pretty old one that I've never seen 'till this year. And definately, King is a god. Seriously, I mean it. Only by watching the movie, I had nightmares with the fucking Pennywise. The ending wasn't that good, I have to admit. And it's really bad on the movie, because they don't explain anything. Not even... well, I'm not gonna say it, I don't want to spoil anything to anybody, but still, the movie sucks xD I mean, not that bad, because I still had nightmares with it, but talking to Yamila, my friend of college who is a total Stephen King's fan and OF COURSE has this book and had read it but won't lend it to me EVER xD, and she told me some things about the story that helped me to comprehend it better, things that aren't said in the movie and are important. Still, thanks to this movie, I'm slowly becoming another King's adept, and I have a list of books that I have to buy the next time I'll be on Parque Rivadavia, a big park here in Buenos Aires where you can buy old/used/new books. I don't mind if they're used or old, in fact, I love old books. The smell is amazing. But I need those books xD

What else do I need to say?.. umh... oh, yeah!, yesterday I started to write another frerard one-shot with my friend 
citricpepper and maybe that will be the first of our fanfics ever published in LJ, if we keep going like this. I mean, not her first, because she posts her fics here, but OUR first, together. Sometimes I think if I'm ever gonna write something alone in english. I used to do that a lot in spanish, but... idk. I think I lost practice. Lack of security is another factor of the equation, of course. But, life continues and maybe, JUST MAYBE, one day, I will. (like anybody cared xD).

Another new is that I talked to three people it was a long time I didn't see. First, my beloved  athenstorm , a girl I really care about and, unfortunately, I cannot talk to her a lot thanks to college and our schedules. Hopefully, this summer I will. Another one is my friend  xcoveredincakex   that it's been a while since I saw her the last time on the msn, thanks to the time differences. And Tara!, it's been a while since I saw her the last time too. Sometimes, I feel really bad I can't see these people with the frequency I'd like to. Even though we don't chat or see eachother everyday, I still miss them a lot when I don't and I'm sorry I can't contact them everyday. Hope that things change one day, I really enjoy their company. And I miss my other two friends, Moony and Prongs. Today I saw the last one a brief second on the msn. She's without internet and working almost full time in a preppy fashion store. It's been a whole lot since I saw her the last time too. Don't ask when was the last time I saw my other friend either. It's been 2 years since we saw eachother's faces live. Hopefully, this summer I'll see her ^^ and we'll be together at least a couple of days.

Anyway, too many things on this post, better leave it as it. I don't have anything else to say either.

Oh, yeah, just one more thing.



clockwork orange, friends, lazyness, movie, book

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