the truth be revealed

Feb 03, 2010 00:10

It's time.
It can't wait anymore, seriously.

You know me, people. I normally don't like pop music at all. I usually just change the station or change the channel when i see a pop music video or hear a pop song. I don't like popular, comercial music with coreographies and all (because usually that's what pop music is to me, i haven't seen one single pop singer that doesn't do that). There are some very little weird exceptions, but mostly they're pretty much all the same. But you know, i respect some artists, the real ones, teh ones that can actually sing and compose their own music. That actually know the notes, that can actually tune and that don't do playback on live shows, even if they dance and have to manage their breathing and all to make a good voice and a nice performance alltogether. Even if it's pop music.

And because i respect real artists and all, i have to finally face it and admit it.
Ladies and gentlemen, i like Lady Gaga.

Oh, i know what you'll say: she's on the mainstream, she's comercial, she's plastic, she wears tons of make up, she's one crazy motherfucker with all those weird outfits and wigs, she's creepy, just whatever. I don't care. I really don't. See, i used to see her at first and think "just wtf is this", because yeah, i am aware she catches attention of the eye easily and like, she's fucking everywhere, because yeah, she is, and every person that knows who she is has something to say about her. Fucking everyone. But you know, i respect her. I do, because she sings well, very well, i might add, and all in all her songs, considering again that it's pop music and pop songs aren't really usually too elaborated, are pretty good, and she actually composes them. I mean, the rhythms, she composes with a keyboard and then they do all the "pop magic" with synths and all, but well, she creates the base of them, and in the pop industry they're pretty original. The fact of her outfits, that are so weird or the fact that her make up usually is beyond excessive that she looks like she's wearing a latex mask only adds a touch to the style (yes, i know i'm talking about a comercial pop artist, and no, i'm not high) she has (seriously, which comercial pop singer can wear a Kermit the frog outfit for a tv interview, look absolutely riddiculous and don't give a flying fuck about it?), and even if people like her because she's a weirdo and has a really twisted-cool sense of fashion (i personally find some outfits really fucking odd, but all in all she has some pretty original and cool things, like her shoes), that shouldn't be what it matters. And i'm saying this beyond any physical image she can give. She sings. I want to stress this, it's important, she actually sings. She does, and pretty well. And she plays the piano on her performances, and pretty well as well. Something pop culture hadn't seen in a long, long time.

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Now, if you ask me, she could do way better than just being a comercial pop singer. Seriously. But, and i have to admit this, pop industry was like... i don't know. Rock bottoming. Seriously. Miley Cirus is really fucking bad and the only option left are the Jonas Brothers and Taylor Swift, whose followers are only girls from 5 to like 14. I remember, when i was a kid, pop music was way stronger than the shit that is now. We had The Backstreet Boys, N*SYNC, even Britney Spears (she couldn't sing a fuck, just like nowadays, but her songs were good), Madonna (forever and ever), the Spice Girls (at least one or two of them could sing), lots and lots of famous boybands or pop singers that actually made the pop music shine and whose followers weren't that young either (again, i sound like a pop music fan, i'm not, but you have to admit all these people made something of pop music and had lots and lots of followers and fans all over the fucking world). The target for pop music fans was way larger than todays'. You could easily see people 25 years old listening to pop music. Nowadays the pop music is devastated, no backstreet boys, boybands are all fucking over (they wouldn't last once the trick and the magic are over), their beloved Britney is a shame for human kind (and they ruined her, but oh well, now Brit is back!! to do more playback and keep shaking her ass, which people doesn't like as much as they did anymore), Shakira tried with pop industry but she's a major failure and she ruined herself her career(She Wolf will roam in my brains over and over again for centuries, haunting me forever and ever, trust me) and Madonna is good, but it's not enough for the youth, who want fresh meat but not so fresh like Miley or the Jonas Bros. Plus, her songs aren't as good as they were back then (some songs she does nowadays are really bad, and i've always liked Madonna's songs). So what's left?, Lady Gaga. And she does a nice job, i might add, bringing the pop industry back to life. I know her lyrics aren't so deep (usually it's about dancing, a stupid guy, horny or bored girl, you name it), but well, that's just pop music subjects. And considering she does pop... well, yeah, you got it.

I don't know if she'll stay long, but if she does, i really wouldn't mind. I hope she does, i wish pop music would get a little bit more of prestige, with people who could actually sing and dance in those fucking high heels and those weird clothes with those wigs at the time and don't die on stage while trying. And behave like a really geeky weirdo girl (i've seen her in interviews on the internet and tv, i know what i'm talking about) instead of a whore pop or innocent fake offstage and on interviews.

Again, i don't like pop music, and if it were because of me, i'd erradicate it from the face of the earth. I like music, a lot, and i respect real artists, even if i don't like their music much or if it's not my style. Pop music usually don't have good ones. But if all the pop singers were like her, doing more original songs like hers (in music tones and in voices at least, not always the same stupid beats, even words), composing their own songs and behaving like she does offstage, without stupid scandals and shit (other than clothes and outfits because like, she dresses like that all the time), i believe pop music would be better. Not drugs, failed marriages, stupid bimbo blondes with fake smiles, rehab centers and scandals all over. I even think more people would like it, like back in the 90'.

That would be good, i think. What do you guys think?

ps: just noticed i forgot about Gwen Stefani. She's a great artist too, i respect her a lot, but well, she didn't pop out of nowhere like the lady in question. She did a couple of really good songs, but i personally think she did a better job when she was with No Doubt. Oh!, and P!nk's pretty good as well, she sings pretty nice.


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