Aug 07, 2004 15:33
Okay well as you may or may not know me and Justin are together now and have been sense the 27th of July (you can figure out how long) things are going great in a relationship for once he is an awesome boyfriend :) it is unlike anything else i have ever had he doesn't just use me and he doesn't treat me like a piece or ass or a piece of shit he really cares about me as i do him. Well wednesday i went to alisons to spend the night with Eileen too so we could bath the horse and shit because we had groomsquad on thursday night and that was pretty fun we got a red :-/ but Justin and Tabby came to see me which was way cool because i missed Tabby Kat a lot. Then on Friday i woke up at the crack of ass and went to the fair grounds (first day of the fair) and did soem hrose stuff then i hung out with Jimmy which was cool i hadn't seen him for a while and Alison and Eileen. Then Tabby and Dylan came which ws cool because tabby is my best friend although i really dont care for Dylan i will be his friend because Tabby Kat likes him :) Than Justin and his best friend from Vegas came to the fair and we got to hang out it was a blast .... and now today is my ONLY day off from the fair so i plan to use it to sleep and take care of soem fair things :) if anyone wants to do something feel free to call me 606-3490 :) (because my boyfriend left me for a wedding in some place far far far away :'( sniff sniff well im out -later-