Nov 05, 2004 23:39
Competition turned out to be AmAzInG last weekend. Our performance kicked ass and we are coming up SO CLOSE to our competititors. Our team has come so far in the past 2 years. 1st&2nd PlAcE GiRlS!
I <3 CoMpEtiTiOn! I'm so ExCiTeD for next season. I am actually quite nervous for tryouts knowing all of the requirements... tumbling has been quite a obsticle lately because of my back which gave me the fear. :-/ this week i really need to step it up and gain back all of the courage i know i have. wish me luck at tryouts. :)
Sunday i ended up going to Somerset with Matthew Laur and Ryan... wHat An ExPeRiEnCe! We ArE CrAzY KiDzz Yo! Me&Laur both got presents :) hehe. On the way home we stopped at Matt's house and I got to see his new kitty! _i WaNt iT!_ Being the slick person i am i brought it outside and it went CRAZY because the dogs started barking... so i got a beautiful stratch on my neck.
MoNdAy it was MaTt & MiNe's 4 month <3
Tuesday I got to see my wonderful & beautiful ShAnNoN! Oh how i missed her! it was nice seeing her...
--> we cant go that long without seeing each other ever again! we need to get a weekend together to ScRaPbOoK! :)
CaM got his LiCenSe on TuEsDaY-- WaY 2 Go! HapPy BdAy!
TaY-RaHhH also passed her drivers test :) - congrats hun
WeD - ThUrS - FRi ----> three days off of cheerleading. im not use to having all of that extra time on my hands. Luckily i got to take advantage of it two of the three days...
WeD --> after school MaTt CaM and I went to SubWay/PeNnStAtiOn (& tested out CaM's new license) haha
FRi --> LaUr came over after going to Micheals and getting tshirt making stuff... we made some SuPeR tshirts for the STATE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME TOMORROW *even tho hers is 134539873495793 times better then mine*!!!!!!!!!!!\
10:30 --> BuS 2 GrAnD RaPiDs
2:30 --> GaMe StArTs -we kick more then just their balls- ;)
eye heart #13! <--- SeXy SoCcEr ChAmPiOn! *what a StUd*
L o V e & K i S s E s
HuNnY GirL <3