*EvErYtHiNg GeTs HoTtEr WhEn ThE SuN GoEs DoWn*

Oct 29, 2004 19:02

CoMpEtiTiOn coming up --> tomorrow @ Clarkston-

9 --> Middle School & Frosh

1 --> Individual Stunt Competition

4 --> JV & VaRsiTy! -GoOd LuCk JV!

Come and support the teams! I have MaJoR <3 to my VG's! We are going to kick major ass tomorrow girls... this is what we have been working towards all season. Sure we have had our ups and downs throughout the season, but thats not what matters in the end. What matters now is the lessons learned and the bonds made.



Other then competition-- the rest of this weekend is going to kick ass too BaBy!

*SuNdAy* Tara's --> TrIcK oR TrEaTiNg our way to RyAn's -I'm bein a SoCcEr PlAyEr BaBy--> ChiLL --> sleep at TaY-rAh's! :)

*MoNdAy* My DeArEsT & MiNe's 4 month <3

*TuEsDaY* Well... you know how i do it :).... hmmm

Other then all of that... i was reading two of my finest friend's livejournals... and i realize how much i miss both of them so dearly :( i miss how all three of us would always do everything together. now i dont think i have talked to either of them in weeks. i hate busy schedules. :( school and cheerleading has to get in the way of everything now doesnt it. i always feel so drained.

i miss my shanny and colers <3333

time to get going....

i love my sweetie baby :) <3 <-- MaTtHeW JoHn! 4 months soon hunny :)
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