Jul 05, 2005 21:38
I haven't updated in so long. I bet ya missed reading my entries, didn't ya? Summer's been awesome, so far. It started off with us ending school & going to Cedar Point. I'm still going up north every weekend during this summer, so that's why I haven't been updating alot. & another reason is that livejournal is just getting so boring. Allie & I got together already, she went upnorth with me for a weekend. And we met these totally hawtt guys named Chad & Brad. I've known Chad, but I'm much closer to him now. And there's more to that story, but I'll just keep my mouth shut. =) After that weekend, Rachh & I went to West Virginia with her grandma and her uncle to visit her aunt. It was funn, just a lot more memories for us, and that's a good thing! Rachh has been coming up north with me every weekend after that, we've been leaving usually on thursday mornings then coming home on either the following mondays or tuesdays. We went up last weekend and I found out that one of my old friends wrtoe something bad about me. Okay, so I carved my name really deep into a picnic table when I was bored one day, and its been there for about a year. And I came up that weekend with Allie and someone added to my name writing something really bad. So there's this huge thing in a picnic table saying ALEXA = SLUT . And its wear so many people can see it. I think it's kinda funny since I hate the girl that did it more than ever now, but it's still kinda offending. & then I came up 2 weekends ago and someone else wrote something really really bad about me on a picnic table with a black permanent marker. Ahh oh well. Everyone's saying that the girls are just jealous for doing that, and it's sad that they had nothing better to do. 4th of July weekend (this prevoius weekend) was omg so fun. Rachel and I finally got to hang around with our Tawas friends, like Casey, Courtney, Jeramie, & so many others. My mom's starting to trust me now, too. She actually let us ride into Tawas with them and hang out there. Ahh: Rachh and I love the Wal-Mart in Tawas. If you go there, go into the Wal-Mart. It's awesome. I saw Schirmir, Blair, and so many other people there. Then we hung out on the beach, met up with Ciara and Ashley, and drove around, etc. We've also been hanging out with Chelsea alot. It's cool, but I don't think Molls likes it alot, but she's got K. Gosh, I wish I lived in Tawas. But, but, my mom said that they might look into buying a cabin in Tawas for next summer. YESH!! My mom's being soo cool, lately. She's letting us ride around with so many people in their cars. But its okay cuz we know them and they're all hot guys that we're good friends with and they are all either in the 16-17-18 year-old range. Yummy. And, Lol, I wish I was 17. Uhh. Chucki and Josh are so freaking hawtt, and Rachh and I have been talking to them so much. They're all like call us when your 17! Cuz I think they're 17 right now. But they're always making an effort to drive past us with their music loud and w.e. Lol. I think Ciara's coming up this weekend with me! =) We're leaving on thursday and coming back on monday or tuesday. Then Rachh is coming back up with me next Thrusday, and I'm so excited because she gets to meet Chad and Brad! They are soo hawt.. I'll take pictures of them and post them..=) But uhh if anybody wants to get together on either a tuesday or wednesday down here with me, then call me, cuz those are the only days I'll be home.. =)