Oct 21, 2004 13:59
wow i havent written in this in a while ... stuff is looking pretty good, but i dont wanna get my hopes up or anything so im trying not to ... but we will see what happens after MEA is over ... no one reads this and i am not quite sure why i am writing in it ... but im bored!
*Are named: (Ellen Schaffran)
*Have been alive for: (15 years)
*Currently live in: (minnesota)
*Currently live with: (parents david and charlie)
*According to your private parts, are a: (female!)
*Have a bf/gf: (nope)
*Like to listen to: (music in general)
*Like to watch: (THE OC! ... nov 4)
*Like to do in your free time: (be with friends or just relax)
*Were born on: (august 1, 1989)
*Currently feeling:(sleepy but feelin good!)
-----------------Have You Ever-------------------
* Flown on a plane: (yep!)
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: (naw)
* Tried drugs: (nope)
* Missed school because it was raining: (no but that would be cool ...)
* Told a boy that you liked them: (of course)
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: (nope ... just socks)
* Had the opposite sex see you naked: (sure)
* Dated someone older than you: (no)
* Dated someone younger than you: (yea ... kinda)
* Had a crush on a friends boyfriend: (of course)
* Been hurt emotionally: (yep)
* Kept a secret from everyone: (yep)
* Had an imaginary friend: (yea ... it was a monkey though)
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: (no)
* Been on stage: (of course! i love being on stage)
* Cut your hair: (of course)
* Had crush on a teacher? (nope)
* Felt so good you could die? (not literally)
* Believed you were going insane? (haha yeaaa)
* Been dumped? (nope)
* Shampoo: (the kind i have upstairs ... but im not sure what its called)
* Favorite color: (pink)
* Day/Night: (night!)
* Summer/Winter: (summer!!)
* Cartoon Character: (i like them all)
* Favorite Food: (doughnuts!!!)
* Favorite Advertisement: (none ... they annoy me)
* Favorite Drink: (water)
* Person to talk to online: (um ... amy joy cuz its so random and fun haha)
* Favorite Sport: (tennis to play, baseball to watch)
* Favorite Car: (dunno, im not picky bout that)
-----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: (sweats, shirt, zip up)
* Eating: (nothin)
* Drinking: (water)
* Thinking about: (tooo much stuff)
* Listening to: (the television)
---------------IN THE LAST 48 HRS------------------
* Cried: (nope)
* Worn Jeans: (of course!)
* Done Laundry: (yep, like 5 minutes ago!)
* Drove a car: (nope)
* Talked on the phone: (yep)
* Kissed Someone: (no)
* Done more than kissed: (no)
* Cheated: (no)
* Committed a crime: (yea kinda)
* Got caught committing a crime: (nope)
*"Sinned": (yea)
* Hacked: (no?)
* Told someone to kiss your ass: (probably)
* Did they?: (no)
* Said "I love you": (yea)
* Meant it?: (yea)
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
* Yourself: (for the most part, yes)
* Your friends: (yep! i <3 my friends)
* Santa Claus: (no)
* Tooth Fairy: (no)
* Destiny/Fate: (yes!)
* Angels: (yeah)
* Ghost: (not really)
* UFO's: (no)
* God: (yes!!)
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you ever wish you had another name? (sometimes ... i used to all the time when i was younger)
* Do you like anyone? (yeaa)
* Which one of your friends acts the most like you? (haha alicia! and ces n mander ...)
* Which of your friends could you tell ANYTHING to? (um abbie alicia megan amy sophie cesley manda lexi kayla stef vanessa)
* Which of your friends have you known the longest? (um ... i really dont know)
* Who's the loudest: (um my DC kids ... we are vair loud together)
------------FINISH EACH SENTENCE-------------
* Let's walk on the: (beach during the sunset)
* Let's run through: (the rain)
* What a nice: (day)
* Let's look at the: (pictures of times spent together)
* Where did all these: (thoughts come from?!)
* When will they:(know?)
* Why can't you: (say whats on your mind?!)
* Silly, little: (buggers!)
* Show me some: (skin)
* the sky is: (falling and its early in the morning ... ashlee simpson haha)
* Tell me: (how you feel, cuz i dont think you care at all)
* Hide me:(forever)
* Love me: (like you used to)
* I love your: (smile)