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Jun 10, 2005 11:14

ok wow this week has been really stressful, ive had so many random tests and finals are killing me. ive had doctor appointment after doctor appointment. i just cant wait till i get out of west bloomfield and get to go up to camp where my 2nd home is. so today has prob been the most stressful day of my life wow!! 1st hour- i found out really bad news :-/ 2nd hour- took my spanish final that was soo hard. 3rd hour- science quiz that was pretty hard too. 4th/5th hour- took notes for our final ahh that is stressing me out beyond anything. 6th hour- made flashcards for my final. 7th hour- had to rebuild our model resturant for math? lol dont ask.

After skewl i got picked up and ran a couple of errands with my mom and then came home and studied for my social studies final. then got ready for the dance. the dance was pretty fun then i came home and studied some more and im about to go to bed in about a half hour. Tomorrow i  think i have a really busy day im spending the day shopping for camp shit.

amanda paschen sax i love u so much and everything will be ok i promise i hope you feel better u are the best. your my favi 7th grader ever and i seriously dont know wut i would do without you... wow im crying now

k.... now for wuts been on my mind, like wow theres 3 1/2 days left of 8th grade its really scary. like wow im so excited to leave shitty ass olms, but its like wow ive had the greatest memories ever there. Making fun of mr. shelton and mrs james wow great times!!!  wow and getting refurals from gay ass domino was always the best haha i swear that teacher dispises me, and then theres all my friends who i love so much like seriously you all have had an amazing impact on my life. No matter what you guys have been there for me through thick and thin. you guys are seriously amazing and i dont think i could ask for better friends than u guys! Tresuare your memories forever and never forget what and awesome time we have all had. I wouldnt trade memories for anything and i wish i had so many more. You guys are my life your my everything you mean the world to me and i dont know what im going to do without you guys. i really hope that we all stay friends forever, cuz seriously you guys are fucking amazing!! and hannah wolfe wow... wut can i say my love is leaving me next year wow am i gonna miss you, you better get back to michigan to visit cuz im gonna miss u like crazy and we better stay in touch cuz wow, although were not as close this year all the memories weve created in the past and how we can talk about nething to eachother is amazing and i love that about you. hannah dont ever ever change!!! i will always remember OLMS CLASS OF '05
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