(no subject)

Mar 21, 2005 18:56

sunday-woke up at 9 nd got dressed in my bathing suit. at 10 ash calld me nd told me tht she was gona get dressed then pick me up! they pickd me up nd went to the beach!!!! we got there nd went in the water nd rated these two guys bcuz they were doiing handstands nd shyt lmao. it was soo funni. then got out nd tannd. i got tan but kinda sunbruned. then greg nd seth nd their 2 friends came while we were eatin our lunch nd while the piegons were trying to BITE MY SUNBURNED TOE!!! LMAO ASH!!! then we went in greg`s car. he got a parking ticket nd he was pissed off so he was lyk driving fukiin crazy!!!!! we all thought we were gona diee!!! he was lyk pulling out in front of all these cars nd shyt! then we went to his house nd then this fukin hoe came inside nd me nd ash were lyk wtf?!?! so we left nd walkd ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE BEACH!!! it was far! we got there nd got in trouble but w.e nd i calld greg nd was lyk UR A FUKIN ASSHOLE!! hes lyk where r u?!?! im on comercial blvd. looking for youu!!!!!!! im lyk well dnt bother cuz we aint going in ur fukin car n.e more. when we got there we sat on the bench nd waitd for her dad. then left nd went to my house to get my shyt. then went bac to her house nd took showers nd got rede nd went to go pick up gabe nd derek but when we got there they had to eat be4 they could go!! so we were lyk w.e fuk it. nd left nd went to the movies by ourselfs. watchd the ring 2 nd went home nd watchd t.v nd feel asleep.

today-we got woken up by the fukin workers in her complex at 10 bcuz they kept knockin on her door to do something for her fire alarm thingys!! god dayum! nd we watchd bugs life or something. then tried to make pankcakes but we sukkk lol. nd then he dad pickd us up nd took us to mcdonals then they dropd me off. i was lockd out of my house but my mom came home from work to let me in. took a shower then got dresed nd walkd to jessicas to get my bike then rode to gabriels. chylld there wit derek! =) <3 nd got home at 5:30.

comment xo. =)
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