Oct 11, 2004 15:22
I don't have an excuse for not writing in a long time... simply haven't had the time, or haven't felt like this. So in this, I am going to write about quite a few different days. Please enjoy and leave a comment ^_^!
For those who didn't know, I did make my job acting at Reapers Realm Haunted House! If you want to go there it is pretty easy..start in Dyer, U.S.30 and Calumet.. turn and go over the new bridge and go down it till Munster/Hammond where the express way starts and it is right there, you make a left..ask me for dates and times or whatever. This isn't no peice of shit house. I've been through it the past 4years and it is huge and very scary but it is fun. There's 3 floors and 1 of the floors is mostly 3D and you get 3D glasses. After you leave the house, you go through the hauned house and that is awesome bc the actors and actresses have chainsaws in certain sections, it's great.
Day 1- Friday Oct 1st... First day open for the Haunted House of the year. I was so excited, little did I know, I would dread this day.
This was the only day I wished my weapon was real because I was dying of boredom. But..also the day I met Nick ^_^ the very hot junior from Munster! But back to the house, I had to be a mummy in the egyptian room. The costume sucked and the room was like so small and I'm claustraphobic so it kinda sucked. And about..eh,150 people came through the house, compared to the normal 1,000+! Eh..boredom! That was the worst mask I ever wore. I worked with this one kid who was pretty ugly, but he was really cool so it was all good^_^! Nick was in the room over but we didn't get to talk except for the first hour when no customers were in the house. I scared a few people, but I just hated that night.
Day 2-Saturday Oct 2nd...Damn awesome day! I AM DEADLY AFRAID OF ALL CLOWNS, yes and guess what I was?! A CLOWN!! Yeah, haha, good stuff. Well I was okay because I just didn't look at myself in the mirror when I was wearing the mask. And the other 2kids who worked in my rooms were scaring me but it was alright! But shit, I scared people so bad..oh man! I made a chick pee in her pants, and I was chasing people everywhere. Haha, just an awesome day. EXCEPT: I CAN NOT TELL YOU HOW MANY PEOPLE CALLED ME *THE MIDGET CLOWN*! I was so mad, and they thought it was funny. "Haha, look at the midget clown!" What the hell is that? I am kind of short and I hate when people hold that against me, especially because I used to be tall, but whatever, it would be kind of freaky if I was taller then everyone else, and if I was...we all know I would be bitching about that right now. I tend to bitch a lot, too bad. Anywho..I loved working the Clown Room^_^! My boss said I did an awesome job and she doesn't say that stuff for the hell of it! But then she made everyone stayed after and take down the woods for the week..it sucked..I didn't get out of there and punched out till about 1:30, which was ok because I got payed for 7 and 1/2 hours...and for 7bucks an hour, of that is not bad.
Day 3-Friday, October 8th..Another Busy Day! I worked in the *Carpet Hall* room...3D which a bitching 3D black with neon dots glow in the dark room... and I got a costume that camoflauged in with the room..I worked with some other kid..we scared people pretty bad..it was an okay night, got kind of bored because the room was just a small hallway. I listened to Pink Floyd over and over and over again!
Day 4-Saturday, October 9th..I requested off^_^Did not feel like working! So I hung with Desiree Purnick, Peter Paul, and Laura and Kevin Dolder! Walgreens, great times..Peter asked Des out in the candy aisle and they got it on, looked for lube and douche..(just for kicks) ha..and then I was amazed by the lightup cord phone! Haha..Funny thing, Peter is a sophmore at Andrean and they got to bring those babies home who cry and stuff and he has to take it everywhere with him so he was walking around with a baby carrier with des and it looked like it was theres and people just gave them the worst look..yep..thats about it
Day 5-Sunday, October 10th..only a 4hr day! I WAS A TIKI PERSON! Haha, grass skirt and a bunch of shit! Worked with these two guys who weren't very talkative until this one guy who got bored with his room came in and started talking to me..then he took off his mask and I thought I was going to die, he was so hot and I was probably in a daze but heh, what else is new? I got to hide in the BJ room that day..which is a little hut that has doors and stuff. Yep. That's about it
I have a lot more I need to write about, but I'll leave that for another night because I highly doubt anyone read what I've wrote so far so Gooodbye!