Three Month Post

Jul 11, 2007 00:57

Well, one more month has passed although it seems like it has been pretty fast. It's been a bit more of the same. There is job hunting, meeting new friends, a lot of camping, and being way too mobile.


I spent a few more weeks with mscaution and a bit of time at Pharoah and Susan's and of course always back to the homestead of Porn and Ts. I must admit that I am beginning to grow weary of moving about so much.

More and more friends. I do feel like I am truly gathering a good group of peeps around me. Between the old school LA people and the ones around them, and the steph_taylor and treg_taylor crew and the peeps I am meeting through jenmarie. On these camping trips I've been taking I continue to meet more and more people that make me glad to have moved here.

But have I mentioned how much I miss the people back home? Swimming in the creek at Recreation Plantation I close my eyes and see and hear the ghosts of everyone who is not there and I am saddened. My kingdom for a teleporter.

My Happy Place (Photo by Kevissimo)

My part time job continues. As for full time work, this week I start the not making me happy process of calling temporary firms and signing up with them. I have had a few calls back for stuff, but they are all moving at a snails pace and I am nervous. Le Sigh. A few more weeks until I wind up at some retail job doing what I have to do.

* Patton Oswalt at the Alamo Drafthouse seeing "Foot Fist Way" a movie I will make you all see when it comes out next year
* Doing GTD and organizational work with Caution
* Body Choir (this is a highlight)

* Cake decorating with futurity and JenMarie

* Emerald and Nobody Rewedding
* Dinner Parties
* Dallas Weekend visiting all old high school friends
* The movie Knocked Up
* Decanceled and Decompression
* Snail mail letters from friends
* The first Austin Diorama Club
* Relaxed July 4th with friends

*I am still doing the Artists Way
* Austin Diorama Club! I organized the 1st meeting here, and it went okay. The next one will be at the Austin Warehouse so I will be opening up the invites to everyone.

Welcome to Superbia (Little Pink Houses for You and Me)
-Description of my diorama:
Superbia is the Latin word for Pride, which according to Wikipedia is considered to be the "original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise."

The diorama shows a suburban scene. The lawn is almost larger than the house, although it is brown because the inhabitants have not had enough time to hire someone to maintain it. In front of the house you will find two cars for two drivers. One is the obvious hummer, the other is a Bugatti Veyron, which as the most expensive and fastest street legal car in the world, exemplifies excess. The door is a constant reminder of the need to earn to continue to live there. There are no windows as they do not have time to look outside. However, there are eyes on the house, as well as eyes surrounding the house. They are currently being watched by their neighbors, and they are also always watching to see that they can keep up with the Joneses. The roof of the house extends above the natural plane, as the roof of their little pink house is too high. It can no longer extend naturally upwards.

* I am still obsessed with puppets
* I learned to knit

Favorite Austin Things this Month:

Spiderhouse Mural

Body Choir
Recreation Plantation

Things I'm missing in LA so far:
Back to the friends. Nothing other than that so far.

What the next month has in store for me:
Bastille Day Tubing
Hanging out with June and Michael, Audrey, and Girlie
Going to visit my mom
The Simpsons movie
JenMarie's Bday
Getting a job

And now some random Astrology discussion based off of what Rob Brezny has to say to me:

Now I will say that I don't hold all that much weight in astrology, but I do like the things that Rob has to say and I find it inspiring and sometimes very valid.

The week of May 31st Rob Brezny had this to say:

Here are a few of the fine improvements I expect you to have accomplished by the end of June: tips on how to live well in two worlds; an addition to the reasons why people find you attractive; a crash course that helps you become more fluent in the language of intimacy; richer, more interesting feelings than you've experienced in a long time; and practical insights into how to avoid being flustered by paradoxes that have driven you crazy in the past.

So here's my homework:

*tips on how to live well in two worlds: They key is that we live in a world that makes this possible. Make sure the worlds know that you are trying to find balance between them. Use text messages, email, the phone, and the postal system liberally. Any time you think about the other world you're not in, reach out. The goal is to maintain a flow of give and take between you and the worlds you want to broach.

*an addition to the reasons why people find you attractive: I can knit

*a crash course that helps you become more fluent in the language of intimacy: the course involves moving somewhere new and walking hard to walk into other peoples camps and just sit down and talk to them, repeat 'I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and people like me' before every interaction and believe it

*and practical insights into how to avoid being flustered by paradoxes that have driven you crazy in the past: This one I am not sure I am any better at than I was at the beginning of May. Remember to breathe? I also am trying to learn to meditate. Give me a little longer on this one and I'll see if I have a better idea soon.

Last week Rob Brezny told me that I had been assigned tasks at the beginning of the year,and I have to say that so far I am living up the task. This town is full of sexy people. Let's just leave it at that. And searching for the right job and the right home certainly feel a bit like searching for that certain elusive sweet spot at times. Practice makes perfect!

Rob Brezny said:
Welcome to Part Two of your outlook for the second half of 2007, Sagittarius. We're checking up on how you're progressing with the long-term tasks you were assigned six months ago. I hope that by now you are cashing in on the fact that this is the Year of the Supercharged Libido and the Spiritual Orgasm. Not only do you have extraordinary reserves of physical energy available; you also have access to what amounts to a kind of metaphysical lust, whose primal power can enable you to smash long-standing mental blocks and break on through to the other side of anything you want to break on through to the other side of.

Well, there's my so-called life.

monthlyupdate, austin, transition, decompression, artistsway, alamodrafthouse, flipside, jobhunt, astrology, horoscope

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