My legs hurt. I spent from 2 today til just now cleaning my room.
& I went shopping in Bundy today
Haha. I might take photos of them later, But for now, Photos of my nice clean room.
I'm thinking of putting a futon in my room somewhere. But.....I'm not sure where. Grrr.
& I got the best idea!!!
I hung a piece of ribbon, & put all my earrings on it.
Funky idea huh. Haha. WELL I FUCKING THOUGHT SO!
I hate my carpet ='[
Hehe. On my mirror it says "HEY TARA <3 WEINY" Weiny is my friend from the Army. & I can't bring myself to rub it off. Lol
Look at all the shit I have to use. AHH! Hate being a girl.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Alcohol.
My bed. I love it.
My half naked guy wall, & my green wall. Hehehe.