Перепосты опасны

Jul 04, 2012 09:59

Получил вот такой мэйл:

Dear LiveJournal user xoxothuk,

We have received a report, properly formatted under the provisions set forth by United States law, indicating that your entry located at [ http://xoxothuk.livejournal.com/788758.html] violates the copyright of another. As such, we have suspended this entry.

If you feel that this report is in error or that your use of the material falls under one of the categories permitted under copyright law, you are entitled to file a counter-notification, also under the provisions of U.S. law; please contact us for information on how to do this. Filing a counter-notification indicates that you are willing to defend yourself in court against a charge of copyright infringement, and you may be bound by civil and possibly criminal penalties if you are found liable.

LiveJournal Abuse Prevention Team

Решил на всяк случай перепост этот удалить. Вспомнился случай, когда разоблачителя биографии Бурматова таким же макаром забанили.
Буду осторожнее и стараться больше своего писать.

Эх, эти перепости

Интернет, Я

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