i'm sorry that you think i wasn't really your friend, and i know alot of reasons why you would think that. and i'm sorry you think i'm a slut. i know you probly don't care, but i just want you to know that i'm really sorry about all the bullshit i put you through and i hope that someday you won't hate me as much as you. you guys were probly the best friends i've ever had because you always made me feel better about my problems (daryn mainly) and i'm really thankful that i had such great friends in ya'll and wasn't the same way with ya'll. you guys probly helped me more than anyone else. i'll stop commenting after this cause i'm sure you don't wanna hear from me anymore, but i just hope you know that i've done lots of thinking lately and i realized how much of a fucked up friend i was to you guys and i didn't deserve for you guys to be as great to me as you were. so i guess i'm just saying thanks for doing everything you did for me when you knew i didn't deserve it. i think i just felt so hurt from other things that i thought i deserved it, but i didn't do much in return to ever let you know how much it meant to me that you cared enough about me to be so great. which, until now i didn't realize. but, i hope you have a good summer and i hope that every day you and gabe are happier and happier with each other. you guys are great people and you really do deserve as much happiness as you can possibly get, cause you've always been forgiving of me and been there for me when i needed you.. like the times you would just let me sit with you in the kitchen and complain abot how hurt i was and you would always have something positive to say to help me out. sorry again for commenting, i just wanted to apologize for everything i've done to you and this is kinda my only way to since we don't ever see each other or talk anymore. but yeah, i just hope that someday maybe you can forgive me for what i did to you and i understand if you don't. i just want you to know that i know i can't make it up to you in any way for the way i was in the past, but i'm glad you found such great friends cause those are the kinda people you deserve.
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