I'm So Sleepy!

Jun 13, 2004 11:04

Just woke up. lol gabe is still sleeping upstairs.. its so cute. He won't wake up either.

My mom made bacon and biscuits, but i woke up so late its all cold now. i dont liek cold breakfast.

Me and agbe stayed up till like 4:30 last night!!! he he it was so much fun! We babysat yesterday. lol gabe was sleeping on the couach and blakey went up and just whomped him right in the crotch. poor gabe. lol and then the kid stuck out his tongue like "GOt 'em!" lol Blake was put into time-out.

Then we came home and went to Willie's with my mom, my sister, my brother and his friend, and John. It was fun. Until the end. Sophie was being difficult and we were all ready to get going. but the boys weren't. so i took sophie and gabe and i was gonna drop her off at a friend's house but she started being like b ratty aboiut it. so i got mad and she wa sliek stop the car(we were in the willie's parking lot) and i was liek "no" (FLASHBACK) and she opened the door. when i heard rthat door open...omg. i slammed ony my breaks and ageb hit his head on the windshield because he wasnt wearing a seatbelt AND he was on the phone. horrible feeling. sophie is not a smart girl sometimes. grr.

So anyways, me and gabe then went to his house and layed around in hammocks playing with the dogs and stuff and then amanda texted me and said to come over soon. soooooooooo we went to her house and waited AN HOURRRRRRRRRRRR for michelle to get there. it was fun anyways.

when she finaly got there we all piled into cars and me, gabe, luis, michelle, wee, amanda and daryn all went to play putt-putt!!!! it was so coool! we went to that putting edge place dowon at the marque. it was great. i love those kids. i must add that i won!!!!!!!! yeah baby!!!!!!!!!

so around 11:40 we started to head home and amanda was like TACO C!!! and i was like me and gabe cant cuz we had to beat blockbuster by like 1 ithink. plus we had to go to gabes house before we came home. soooooo poor wee had to drive all the way back to amanda's to pick up my car(gabes is in the shop)

so we rented along came polly and had tons of fun until 4:30 when we went to bed.

hey i might be on t.v. later today! lol but i dont know anything about it. so maybe not. pickett is gonna call me. woo hoo.

LCPick04: i wanted to see if u wanted to be on tv today for my dad's press conference

im gonna go eat and wake gabe up. hes so lazy. GALVESTON TOMMARROW|!!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!! lol
fun in the sun! poor gabey cant come. but i still have amanda and brinker! lol fun fun fun! cant wait! i wish i had a digitaql camera. no fun. i could post pics.

k kiddos. toodles.

xoxo steph
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