Jan 08, 2005 15:18
I hate it when the roads are crap. That means I can't do anything =(. Last night me and Erin went to applebees..again and had this wickid good cheesecake.
We rented a movie and came back here and watched it, then watched some episodes of south park. She left around 11:30 and then I just sat around and talked on the phone <33..which put me in a goooood mood.
Just as I was going to crawl into bed, I got a phone call again, (greatly appreciated) and talked for an hour and a half or so. I wanna go sledding now, but its raining out and my sledding buddy is at work.
I get my license monday and im SOO unbelievably nervous. I'm normally good about these things..but for some reason..im just wickid nervous. WISH ME LUCK!
im outtie for now..later