Jul 09, 2006 04:22
A few friends and I were sitting around a kitchen table last night. We were discussing failed relationships. One of them pointed out that you don't get better at them as you go along. It doesn't matter how many people you have dated in the past. Each new person brings on a series, and new set of complications, etc. Too make a long story as short as possible: He summed it up by saying that being able to create a good relationship has nothing to do with experience and everything to do with being mature enough to not hurt that person. Being mature enough to know what situations to avoid, and then actually avoid them <---that last one was my own little addition. (In my own opinion, I agree with him. It truly does come down to maturity. I could go into deeper explaination, and I'd like to, but I'm tired.)
Then another good point came up while Emily and I were discussing about how we have become so irreversibly cynical on the whole dating ordeal. N. told us that it isn't right to be jaded on relationships and dating all together or you will never succeed with anyone,(i.e-always going into things with a bad attitude, expecting to fail, etc.) Rather- it is more appropriate to be jaded over a certain individual or failed relationship, than relationships as a whole.
Hallelujah to the male perspective.
And here is my own personal realization about myself. (This has nothing to do with the previous.)
*I realize that I have become a person who can enjoy something to the fullest, but still maintain the ability to do what's best for my personal well being when the time comes, even if that means tossing up the fruit. I've gained a specific inner strength that I have not yet had to use, but I know it's there in the event that I need to take it out for a walk.