Poladroid is so much fun. ♥
Lunar New Year's over.. in a way. Today's 初六 (sixth day of the lunar new year), and I've been procrastinating much. My before-8pm-plus-less-calories-diet isn't going smoothly (thanks to those tempting lunar new year goodies, screwed up meal timings, and effing people around me who mock at this "diet"). FYI, this isn't a slimming diet or whatsoever, I'm just implementing it to as a tryout for a healthier diet.
&&&, exams are in 3 days' time and I've yet to start on anything and everything. I'm so fucking screwed screwed screwed. D<
Wish me luck, I'm going to START studying now (w/o any procratination if not I'll kill myself). Lots more to be done when I'm done with all those goddammed exams. Till then, xoxo! ♥
P/S I cannot wait for 13th March, omfg *faints*. >D