Jan 29, 2005 13:03
holy shit the last time i wrote was in like november..
so much has happened since then!
lets see
me n brian broke up in dec...
i failed 2 exams...
i got grounded!
i got drunk just about every wkend for the past 3 months except like 2!
(goooood times)
iv had my fair share of liking one guy then skipping to another guy then bak to a dif 1....it pretty much sux but alli calls me SKIPPY now...lol
ive decided that im really picky n i might say i like a guy but i could hang out with him 4 like 5 min and then decide i cant stand him...but thats just me!
im 15 now...i got my permit the wkend i was grounded....
most of all tho that r interesting r the nites me n alli got DRUNK off our asses!
and the nite yesenia came over!!
~#1~my parentals went out n alli came over we got REALLY fucked up...we called like 5 ppl n said stuff we sumwhat regret..lol...and some of it i wish i could forget!
i was on the phone outside n alli puled my hair so i 4 some reason fel...then she told dustin(on the phone)that she had to call the cops b/c i fell...lol..i did scrape my knee n arm..lol
then i made out with my refridgerater...hahaha
#2 and #3.....allis house...brendan blake alli eden n me!...n kevin once..hehe
i dont remember the orders of our nights so owell....
then 1 nite me n alli got so drunk that the next morning i actually got sick...it sucked!!!!
then one of the other nites yesenia came over n we go drunk n were acting craaazy...me n yesenia made out with my floor...lol...idk..
then me alli n yesenia played suck n blow..haha it was effing hilarious!!!!
(no kissing!)
haha...weve had some pretty crazy times!...n i kno i left out alot...hehe;)
gotta go im actually gunna do my hw
love molly