quiiiite hunngry.

Mar 04, 2007 21:57

so i feel very obligated to update at this particular point in time.

lots of stuff has/is happening. next years classes are frightening me as well. =D

on friday i coppped out of school after history and went to austin to watch the girls basketball teamm play vs cy-fair. ...we preetty much got smoked..but it was still really fun. you couldnt really blame us tho...their posts were monsters.

i miss basketball.

i saw katherine play too!
which was pretty cool.

anyways. ari amanda and i spent some quality time in mr salinas's truck due to the lack of it starting.
got picked up by car-rental josh who was a rather skilled conversationalist considering the potentially awkward situation.

on saturday i went to spectrum with maddddeh. which was...thrilling.
shall miss those experiences.

that stair master was unforgetable. =p.

thennn i spent the night at chloe's with stephanie after making the traditional stop at HEB for the necessities of life.

we alsso watched saw III. =)

it was good and i wish we'd do it more often.

which reminds me

the uncut hair length of a 77 year old supposedly raches 690? miles.

i personally find this statement to but completely and utterly made up considering i have yet to find anyone who's hair is remotely close to reaching across the state of Texas.

today i went to church.
and me sarah and christina were forcibly made to go to some "learn how to help in the little kid class" class...which was among the lamest...most...unnecessary experience of my life.

we were taught with puppets mind yoou.

anyways. sarah and her family came over after that and we ate and hung out.

it was good.

then i went to the movies with my parents and Marlee..and saw...amazing grace? hah.

mmm. yea.

ok enough said im finished.

apologies for the great length...but its the only entry you'll be recieving for a rather lengthy period of time. =)
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