Jan 31, 2009 20:55
- I'm really bad at things like being healthy and taking care of myself. I don't sleep properly. I don't eat properly. I don't get enough exercise. I don't drink enough water. Basically I should probably be dead. But I'm trying to get better at it. I figured I might remember to take vitamins more often if I got one of those little things with little sections for each day of the week that you put pills in. I feel like an old lady now. An AWESOME old lady.
- My job still rocks. Uh oh maybe I shouldn't say that since every time I express joy in something it disappears shortly after. haha OH WELL!!!!
- I want a gray cat. And a white cat. Except I hate cats so...no. Bad Angela.
- I didn't hate cats until I had a baby and realized how annoying my cat is. I can't pay attention to you I have a human to take care of! Geeze!
- I was supposed to go out tonight for Amanda's birthday but I don't feel good and didn't get much sleep last night and the idea of going to a bar sounds about as appealing as ripping my nails off. But I also feel bad because I love Amanda and I am missing her birthday. I suck as a friend.
- I can't stop buying clothes for my kid. I blew another $200 on her today when she already has a closet full of clothes. Is there a group I can join to get help for this?
- Every time we come home with new clothes, Kya puts on a little fashion show for grandma and grandpa. I dress her up and she parades in front of them and twirls and then runs back to her "dressing room" ready for the next outfit. I should have known this stuff was hereditary.
- Writing letters back and forth with a co-worker who works in a different section of the base and at a different time is the new cool. CO-WORKER PENPALS!!!!
- I am also really bad with money and I suck at saving. I haven't had more than 100 bucks in my savings account since like, 4 years ago probably. But now I'm trying to get better at that and I have about $1,000 in there right now and so far I'm being really really really good about not touching it. Yay me. Plus every month I get a $100 "Baby Bonus" or whatever check from the government that every parent in Canada gets for having a kid or something like that and that goes right into Kya's bank account for when she grows up. She has about $1,200 in there or something so far. Nothing huge but I'm glad I'm at least trying to make plans for her future.
- I think I'm hungry.
- I cleaned up my apartment a bit and now it looks pretty good and I'm all motivated to clean more. YAY!
- When I get it clean(er) and it warms up a bit I can FINALLY tear out the carpet in the living room and in my room and replace it with new floors!
- When the new floors go in I can FINALLY buy my couch and new bed since there was no point in doing it before since they're such big pieces of furniture, what would be the point in getting them before replacing the floors? Silly. :)
- I am definitely hungry and now it's time to go snack.